Oferta para hacer el doctorado en Canadá, estudiando ecología evolutiva de anfibios ~ Bioblogia.net

29 de septiembre de 2020

Oferta para hacer el doctorado en Canadá, estudiando ecología evolutiva de anfibios

Title: Evolutionary Ecology of Amphibians
A fully funded PhD position is available for May 2021 or
September 2021 in the Rollinon lab at the University of Toronto
(https://rollinson.eeb.utoronto.ca/). The candidate will lead
long-term research on the evolutionary ecology of amphibians
at Bat Lake, Algonquin Park, with an emphasis on the spotted
Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum). The project is ongoing since 2008
(http://patrickmoldowan.weebly.com/research.html), with annual
mark-recapture data on spotted salamanders, egg mass counts, and
morphology. Since 2017, the lake has been fully enclosed with a drift
fence, allowing estimation of egg-to-metamorph survival of spotted
salamanders, as well as a full breeding census of amphibians. You
may have read about some of this work in National Geographic

The candidate will work with PI Njal Rollinson to design experiments
and develop approaches that explore fundamental and applied problems in
evolutionary ecology. The candidate will lead a team of 5 researchers, and
thus a strong leadership personality is an asset. Fieldwork is required
in April and May (breeding season), and again in August and September
(metamorph emergence). The candidate will be based out of the Wildlife
Research Station in Algonquin Park (https://www.algonquinwrs.ca/).

The ideal candidate will have field experience, strong quantitative
skills, a keen sense of experimental design, and a passion for natural
history and science. Knowledge of amphibian natural histories is also

If you are interested, please email your CV, (unofficial)
transcripts, a writing sample, and a brief statement of interest to
njal.rollinson@utoronto.ca. The position will remain open until it
is filled.

Njal Rollinson
Assistant Professor
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology / School of the Environment
Earth Sciences Building
Office 3051
University of Toronto
Phone: 416-529-7726
Research Homepage: www.njalrollinson.com

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