Beca de 2000 USD para formarte en divulgación científica ~

19 de noviembre de 2020

Beca de 2000 USD para formarte en divulgación científica

The ICRS Science Communication Fellowship (SCF) is a new award for an ICRS member at any career stage in any type of position (e.g., academic, NGO, government, private sector, other) to gain science communication skills through a workshop, course, internship, or some other equivalent experience. Examples are listed on the application form.

In this first pilot year, $2,000 USD are available to an individual Fellow. The fellow will be expected to complete their training activities by 15 July 2021 and attend the ICRS2021 (in person or virtually) in July 2021 as a science communicator and provide science communication content to ICRS for posting to ICRS facebook, twitter, and the ICRS2021 media outlets. The fellow will also write a short article for the Society’s Reef Encounter publication and be an active member of the ICRS Communications Committee.

Applications must include a completed application form and a 2-page CV. The form can be found here. Applications are due by 15 December 2020 to the ICRS Education Committee Chair Dr. James Crabbe at

Instructions for locating your ICRS Membership ID Number can be found here.

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