5 puestos en una nueva unidad especializada en taxonomía (morfología+ilustración) de invertebrados marinos ~ Bioblogia.net

29 de abril de 2023

5 puestos en una nueva unidad especializada en taxonomía (morfología+ilustración) de invertebrados marinos

Oferta compartida por Nuria

The Senckenberg Ocean Species Alliance (SOSA) is a 10-year project in the Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, Germany, funded by a generous philanthropic donation to advance marine biodiversity.

SOSA is starting a new taxonomic service unit; a programme to (in the near future) offer morphological description and illustration support for unnamed marine invertebrates, in the same way that you now send material for barcode sequencing or other out-source-able lab services.

To build this team, we are currently hiring FIVE new staff in our SOSA Discovery Unit:
  • lab manager / team lead
  • technicians (n=3)
  • research assistant for a comparative analysis of recent species descriptions across many invertebrate phyla

Deadline for all open positions is 8 May 2023. More information, job descriptions, and application instructions are available here: https://sosa.senckenberg.de/en/jobs

We welcome applications from people anywhere in the world. The working language in our research groups is English. We are committed to supporting the careers of women in science, people with disabilities, and other under-represented groups.

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