Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Human Disease
School of Neurology, Neurobiology and Psychiatry
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Sponsor: Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Supervisor: Dr Rob Taylor, School of Neurology, Neurobiology and Psychiatry
Details: The Mitochondrial Research Group is based on the 4th Floor of the Cookson Building in the Medical School and comprises some 30 or more clinicians and scientists working at the interface between clinical and basic science in the study of mitochondrial dysfunction and human disease. A PhD studentship is available from October 2004 to join the lab of Dr Rob Taylor and Professor Doug Turnbull to investigate the molecular mechanisms by which mitochondrial DNA mutations cause neurological disease.
All enquiries and applications (including a full CV and the names and addresses of two referees) should be sent to Dr Rob Taylor ( Telephone (0191) 222 3685)