Two PhD studentships are available in Belfast and/or Portaferry (Strangford Lough) as part of the newly established Centre for Coastal Sciences and Engineering at Queen's University Belfast. Both are collaborations between Biology & Biochemistry and Civil Engineering. Applications should reach us by 20 June 2004, in the form of a c.v. and a short letter explaining why you are interested in this PhD opportunity. Applicants must have UK residency status, and have a relevant upper second class BSc degree or an MSc.
The two projects are
1. Using seaweed morphology as an indicator of wave exposure and current speed (see details below) Biology & Biochemistry/ Civil Engineering
Supervisors: M.J.Dring, G. Savidge; T. Whittaker
Contact: or
2. Designing structures to promote biological control of marine biofouling (see details below)
Supervisors: C.A. Maggs, M.P. Johnson; T. Whittaker
Contact: or