Volunteer Technicians ~ Bioblogia.net

28 de junio de 2004

Volunteer Technicians

(NOTA: Este postre y los que le siguen proceden de la lista de correo de Ecovoluntarios)

The USGS Fort Collins Science Center is conducting a study on sylvatic plague and how it is affecting the existence of small mammals in a prairie environment. This is a multi-year study with partners in the BLM, FS, FWS, CDC, NPS and 5 state agencies. The technicians work with experienced biologists. The volunteers will trap small mammals using live traps, anesthetize the animal, take biometric measurements, insert ear tags and/or PIT tags, fit them with radio telemetry collars if required, take blood samples and re-release them. The volunteer technicians will also learn small mammal census methods, use of GPS, some telemetry work, and much more. The crews live in small towns close to the work sites or in camp trailers depending on the field site. We have field study sites in Montana, western Colorado and Utah. The crews consist of 3-4 individuals and supervisors. Daily transportation is provided via federal vehicles. Housing (and housing expenses) and a $15/work day stipend is provided for the volunteers. We provide all of the training, specialized equipment, etc. The volunteer must provide their initial transportation to the field site. The study will be conducted through September. Because of training involved, a 10 week commitment is desired. For more information, write to Jerry Godbey at jerry_godbey@usgs.gov. Please include dates you would be available, a short resume and a note explaining what you would hope to gain from the experience.

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