Wildlife technicians ~ Bioblogia.net

28 de junio de 2004

Wildlife technicians

Technicians (2) needed for research examining carnivore community ecology throughout Missouri utilizing scat transects, hair snares, track plates, and remote infrared-cameras combined with habitat assessment. Duration of employment approximately July 15 � October 31, 2004, but may be extended if necessary. The possibility exists for some experience assisting with live-trapping. Salary $ 7.60/hr and applicants must provide own transportation (4 x 4 preferable) to be used in the field, will reimburse for mileage during fieldwork (currently $ 0.365/mi), lastly housing will be provided. Applicants must be detail oriented, able to work independently and as part of a team often under arduous circumstances, must be physically fit as there are times when hiking 6-7 mi. carrying 20 lbs. of gear or more may be required, able to learn new skills quickly, and should enjoy being outdoors. All applicants should email (preferred), mail or fax their r�sum� and 2 references to: Attn: Mundy Hackett, 302 ABNR � Dept. Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211; office phone 573-882-8099; fax 573-884-5070; email � hmhn78@mizzou.edu.

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