Posdoctoral Fellowship in Marine Biodiversity ~ Bioblogia.net

15 de agosto de 2004

Posdoctoral Fellowship in Marine Biodiversity

The Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica (RCBAS), Taipei, Taiwan is inviting those who are interested in marine biodiversity, especially in coral reefs, to apply the 2005 Academia Sinica postdoc fellowships. The applicants should have the PhD degree within the last 6 years with an excellent publication records and demonstrated promise of independent research capability. The successful applicants are encouraged to develop their research projects in collaboration with the hosted PI of the RCBAS. The deadline for submitting the application is September 15, 2004. The successful applicant will commence from January 1, 2005, and last for 2 years under review.

The RCBAS is a newly established institute in the Academia Sinica, and plays the leading role in the biodiversity research in Taiwan. Marine biodiversity research group is one of the major groups in the RCBAS. For the detail of the RCBAS, please visit the website:http://biodiv.sinica.edu.tw/en/index.php

For those who are interested in the application and would like to receive the detail of application, please feel free to contact:

Dr. Allen Chen
Research Centre for Biodiversity
Academia Sinica, Taipei

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