7 de septiembre de 2004


to begin mid-Nov, 2004 to aid in project examining
predators of an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, the Palila (Loxioides
bailleui). Study sites are located at high elevations (6,000 - 11,000
ft) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Fieldwork will focus on predator
(feral cat, mongoose, and rodent) ecology and removal, including live
trapping of feral cats and mongooses, and poisoning, live trapping and
snap trapping of rodents. Work may also include telemetry of small
mammals. Fieldwork involves strenuous hiking, endurance, long days, and
camping at remote locations. Applicant Qualifications: Previous
trapping and small mammal experience preferred but not required.
Ability to navigate in remote areas via transects, map and compass.
Four-wheel drive vehicle experience is desired. Applicant must be in
excellent physical condition and willing to work alone frequently.
Salary: $400/month. Excellent experience, housing, and field gear are
provided. A minimum 3-month commitment is required. We do not provide
plane tickets! To apply, send cover letter, CV, and contacts of 3
references to DANIEL NELSON (EM: USGS-BRD, P.O.
Box 44, Hawaii Nat. Park, HI 96718.

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