Mathematics and Field Ecology Summer Program ~

5 de marzo de 2005

Mathematics and Field Ecology Summer Program

13 June - 29 July
for Graduate and Undergraduate Students
at Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University
This summer the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) will continue a summer program called ELME, Enhancing Linkages between Mathematics and Ecology. ELME is a course-work based research experience designed for students with little formal training in mathematics, but with an interest in applying mathematics to questions in ecology and evolution. Students can take 3 one-week math courses on topics that are relevant to ecology/evolution and then apply these tools in a field ecology/evolution course. The courses will be taught by KBS resident faculty and faculty recruited from around the country for their expertise in linking math and ecology.
Mathematics 1-week courses:
Introduction to Theoretical Population Biology - MTH 490.431
Robin E. Snyder, Case Western Reserve University
June 13 - June 17
Integrating Theoretical and Empirical Ecology: Philosophy, Design,
and Analysis - MTH 490.432
Brian D. Inouye, Florida State University
June 20 - June 24
Maximum Likelihood Analysis in Ecology - MTH 490.433
Chad E. Brassil, Kellogg Biological Station, MSU
June 27 - July 1
Ecology 4-week course:
Field Ecology and Evolution - ZOL/PLB 440
Gary Mittelbach and Jeff Conner, Kellogg Biological Station, MSU
July 6 - July 29
Graduate scholarships are available for tuition, housing, and meals. More information about KBS and the ELME program is available at The extended application deadline for enrollment and scholarships is 18 March 2005.

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