Research internships are available at the MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center (MAERC) ~

3 de marzo de 2005

Research internships are available at the MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center (MAERC)

... a division of Archbold Biological Station, in south central Florida. Current research projects at the Center focus on nutrient cycling and productivity in subtropical grazing lands, wetland ecology and restoration, and water quality impacts of cattle ranching. Research topics include the effect of fire and grazing on nitrogen and phosphorus cycling and the influence of land use conversion on carbon sequestration in wetland soils. Research interns spend 20 hours per week assisting Dr. Patrick Bohlen with his ongoing research projects and 20 hours conducting their own independent research project. Interns will gain experience developing research ideas, working on experimental design and writing a research paper. The Center is located at a 4,100-ha cattle ranch comprised of varied pastures and prairies, woodland hammocks, and abundant wetlands. Interns interact with staff at Archbold!
Biological Station, a vibrant and dynamic center for ecological research and education. The internship is ideal for recent graduates considering graduate school, or current graduate students interested in pursuing a thesis project at MAERC. The length of appointment is flexible but is generally around 6 months. Current positions are available starting in April 2005. Interested applicants can apply by sending (1) a letter of application, including research interests and period of availability, (2) a resume or curriculum vitae, included G.P.A. and relevant course work, and (3) contact information for 2-3 references to Dr. Patrick Bohlen at, or MacArthur Agro-Ecology Research Center, 300 Buck Island Ranch Rd., Lake Placid, FL 33852. Visit for more information about our program or contact Dr. Bohlen at (863) 699-0242 x22.

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