1st European Congress of Conservation Biology ~ Bioblogia.net

10 de mayo de 2005

1st European Congress of Conservation Biology

The 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology is a multidisciplinary meeting within the general theme of 'Diversity for Europe' (www.eccb2006.org). The meeting will consist of plenaries, symposia, workshops, contributed papers, and field trips. The official language of the meeting will be English.
The CALL FOR SYMPOSIA AND WORKSHOP of the 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology is presented on the homepage of the congress (www.eccb2006.org). The organisers invite all interested colleagues to submit a proposal according to the guidelines on the homepage. Help us to disseminate the CALL in your institute, and to your interested colleagues.
Prospective attendees, authors and presenters are encouraged to indicate their interest in attending the conference or to send their comments through the website. Pre-registered participants will be informed about latest updates, and the comments will help the organisers in planning the congress.
The Organisers
Please contact Andrew Pullin (A.S.PULLIN@bham.ac.uk), Chair of the Scientific Committee on scientific issues; András Báldi, Chair of the Local Organising Committee (baldi@nhmus.hu) on other issues, except technical ones, which are handled by the Congress secretariat, Zsofia Krutak (zsofi@katki.hu).

András Báldi, PhD
Animal Ecology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Natural History Museum Ludovika tér 2, Budapest, Hungary, H-1083
T: 36-1-2101075 F: 36-1-3342785
Homepage: http://www.nhmus.hu/~baldi
1st European Congress of Conservation Biology (http://www.eccb2006.org)

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