Voluntariados con ARCAS ~ Bioblogia.net

1 de junio de 2005

Voluntariados con ARCAS

Dear Friends:

The rainy season is starting up here in Guatemala and with it the breeding season for the majority of the species in the country as well as the nesting season for the sea turtle. As in years past, we here at the Wildlife Rescue and Conservation (ARCAS) are looking for creatively resourceful volunteers to help us out in our conservation activities. If you are interested, or know anyone else who is, please contact us at arcas@intelnet.net.gt


Colum Muccio



ARCAS is a Guatemalan NGO founded in 1989 committed to preserving wildlife and its habitat. It carries out project activities in three areas of the country:

*** GUATEMALA CITY - Adminstration and coordination of projects; International, regional and national coordination and fundraising; Environmental Education Department. Coadministration of the Cerro Alux Cloud Forest Reserve.

*** ARCAS/PETEN - Rescue and rehab of 300+ animals of 40+ species per year at the Wild Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center; Captive breeding of scarlet macaws; Environmental education, eco-library and information center (San Benito). Participation in the Jaguars Without Borders and Macaws Without Borders projects.

*** SOUTH COAST - Sea Turtle Conservation; Captive Breeding (Crocodiles, Iguanas...); Environmental Education; Mangrove Preservation and Reforestation, Establishment of the 3500 hectare Hawaii Protected Area, community development projects (improved wood-burning stoves, potable water...)


ARCAS recieves over 300 international volunteers per year at its two volunteer programs:

*** The Wild Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center situated in the jungle on a 45 hectare plot near the town of Flores and 40 miles from the famed Mayan ruins of Tikal. Volunteers help in feeding and caring for the animals at the center, including parrots, macaws, spider and howler monkeys, ocelots, jaguars, coatimundis and kinkajous all of which have been seized by government authorities from smugglers.

*** Hawaii Sea Turtle Conservation Project. Near the town of Hawaii on the Pacific coast of Guatemala, (NOTE: Not the island in the Pacific!) volunteers assist in conducting nightly patrols of area beaches in search of nesting sea turtles, collection and burial of eggs in the hatchery and collection of research data. Volunteers also take part in the caiman captive breeding program, construction and upkeep of park facilities and educational activities in area schools. The turtle season in Hawaii is during the months June-November with peak months of August and September.


In addition to these two projects, we host volunteers who are interested in participating in our environmental education activities, though this requires a higher level of Spanish language ability. Both in Peten and at our project in Hawaii, we are developing environmental education and interpretation centers which we hope will lead to a greater awareness among Guatemala students and visiting tourists about the need to conserve endangered species and their habitat. In the Cerro Alux cloud forest reserve near Guatemala City we are creating another environmental education center and rescue center focused on the conservation of the pine/oak highland ecosystem of the area. Volunteers assist in the development of exhibits, the painting of signs and the development of bilingual educational materials, as well as helping out in community development projects and wildlife research. Let us know if you have skills in any of these areas.


In Hawaii and Peten, depending on availability, we offer volunteer coordinator and research assistant positions in which the volunteer fee is waived or a small stipend offered. Spanish language ability is a must for the volunteer coordinator position. Let us know if you are interested in these positions.


There is a minimum stay of 1 week for both volunteer programs. We rely on our volunteer fees to help sustain our projects, so for the Rescue Center, there is a charge of $100 per week which covers food and lodging while for the Hawaii Project, the fee is $50 per week and only covers lodging. We make discounts for longer-term volunteers but they must pay the full fee for at least the first month. You can take part in our volunteer programs any time of the year, but our busiest times are during the rainy season, June to November.


Spanish language ability is not required, but in general, your ability to speak some Spanish will greatly enhance your effectiveness as well as your satisfaction with the ARCAS experience. If you don’t already speak Spanish and you plan to volunteer for an extended period, we suggest that you spend your first weeks studying in Antigua, a world-renowned Spanish language center and a stunningly beautiful colonial city. We recommend the APPE Spanish school: 6c Poniente #40, Antigua, Tel: 832-0720, e-mail: appe@infovia.com.gt, Attn: Lilian Santizo. The standard study program is @$110 per week for a homestay, food and 4-6 hours/day of 1-on-1 instruction.

More important than language skills perhaps is individual initiative and an understanding that ARCAS, as an under-funded, non-profit, volunteer organization, may not be able to meet all your expectations in terms of personal attention and work experience. Volunteers must be fairly independent and accustomed to working in at times "rustic" conditions. In addition to performing tasks such as feeding and carrying for the animals, we also expect volunteers to carry out such mundane chores as cleaning out cages and washing dishes.


In addition to the regular volunteer positions, ARCAS hosts interns interested in gaining practical experience and conducting research in the areas of wild animal veterinary medicine and reintroduction, sea turtle conservation and environmental education. These positions require Spanish-language proficiency, prior work experience and a commitment to a longer period of service but are subject to negotiated discounts on the volunteer fee. We also welcome students interested in carrying out research. For more information on these internship programs, please contact us at the e-mail below.

Saludos y Abrazos,

Colum Muccio

Estimados amigos conservacionistas,

Les saludamos desde el País de la Eterna Primavera. Se está acercando la época de anidación de la tortuga marina aca en Guatemala y queremos solicitar el apoyo de voluntarios para asistir a nuestras actividades conservacionistas. ARCAS tiene dos programas de voluntariado:

*El primero y el más establecido, es nuestro Centro de Rescate y Rehabilitación de Fauna Silvestre, ubicado en la selva del Departamento de El Petén, cuenta con 45 hectareas de bosque, en las orillas del lago Petén Itzá y esta ubicada a 2 kms de distancia de la Ciudad de Flores y a 40 millas de la mundialmente famosa Ciudad Maya de Tikal. El trabajo de los voluntarios consiste en ayudar a alimentar y limpiar los recintos de los animales en el Centro, los cuales generalmente son: loros, guacamayas, monos arañas y aulladores, así como jaguares, tapires, felinos menores, mapaches, coaties, jabalíes, zorras grises, etc. Los animales que llegan al centro, son generalmente, animales que han sido decomisados por las autoridades gubernamentales a traficantes. Entre otras actividades se puede asistir al veterinario en los tratamientos médicos, así como tambíen recolectar alimentos silvestres para los animales y participar en sus liberaciones. El origen de los animales que llegan al centro de rescate son generalmente de la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya, ubicada al norte del Centro de Rescate, o cualquier otro remanente de bosque tropical del pais. Los voluntarios se hospedan en modulos construidos de madera que poseen sus servicios basicos y durante la noche se cuenta con electricidad de origen solar.

*El segundo plan de voluntarios, se ubica en el departamento de Santa Rosa, en el Oceano Pacífico. En la aldea Hawaii ubicada a 130 kms. de la ciudad capital. ARCAS cuenta con un centro de rescate para la tortuga marina y caimanes, además de promover la protección del mangle. Los voluntarios aqui, participan realizando patrullajes nocturnos, buscando nidadas donde las tortugas han dejado sus huevos, ademas participan en la siembra y cuidado de los mismos asi como en su posterior liberacion. Otra de las actividades es la de alimentar a los caimanes y el mantenimiento de los recintos. Los voluntarios también pueden participar dando charlas educativas en escuelas locales. Los meses pico para la arribada de tortugas, son de junio a diciembre, presentandose la mayor actividad en los meses de agosto y septiembre.

Los voluntarios pueden permanecer en cualquiera de los dos proyectos durante cualquier época del año, siendo el mínimo de permanencia de una semana. En el Centro de Rescate de Petén el costo por semana es de $100 e incluye alimentación y hospedaje, mientras que en el Centro de Rescate para las tortugas marinas el costo es de $50 y solo cubre el hospedaje pudiendo llevar los voluntarios sus propios alimentos y cocinarlos en el Centro. El dinero recaudado se utiliza para mantener funcionando nuestros proyectos.

La experiencia de trabajar en ARCAS es única, pero requiere que los voluntari@s estén dispuest@s a trabajar en condiciones un poco rústicas, así como levantarse temprano.

ARCAS tambien se maneja un programa de "internship" en Hawaii y en Peten en areas como educacion ambiental, tortugas marinas y medicina veterinaria. Para estos plazos, se requiere facilidad en idioma español, esperiencia laboral y un compromiso de un estadia de voluntaria mas larga (usualmente mas de un mes). Además, invitamos a estudiantes interesados a realizar investigaciones y a participar en nuestros proyectos.

Muchas gracias por interesarse en ARCAS, espero tener noticias suyas muy pronto, y recuerde, si usted quiere mantener correspondencia con nosotros enviarla a nuestra dirección en USA. Section 717 PO Box 52-7270 Miami Fl 33152-7270 (nuestra dirección en Guatemala está sujeta a cambios, es por eso el alto costo de nuestra correspondencia).

Espero tener noticias suyas muy pronto

Saludos especiales

Colum Muccio

Director Administrativo


Intl Mail Address: Section 717, PO Box 52-7270, Miami, FL 33152-7270 USA

Street Address: 4 Ave. 2-47, Sector B5, Zona 8 Mixco, San Cristobal, Guatemala

Telephones: (502)2478-4096(tel/fax) 2480-7270, 5704-2563 (Colum cell), 7820-2073 (Parque Hawaii)
arcas@intelnet.net.gt Website: www.arcasguatemala.com

fernando_martinezgalicia@hotmail.com (Dir. of Rescue Center)
Tel: (502)5208-0968 (Fernando Martinez cell), 7926-0946 (Library), 7933-8917 (Cell phone at Rescue Center);
ARCAS Library in San Benito next to the Police Station

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