Oferta de postdoc para ecólogo ~ Bioblogia.net

29 de julio de 2008

Oferta de postdoc para ecólogo

Post doc position available: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Canyonlands
Research Station, Moab, UT is seeking an Ecologist to study how climate
change will affect plant communities and dust production in the Upper
Colorado River Basin. Major duties include using complex and multivariate
statistics to analyze vegetation and climate data compiled from National
Parks throughout the Upper Colorado Plateau to document how species and
functional groups have responded to past climatic regimes. These results
will be used to model likely future changes in cover for the dominant
plant communities in this region; integrating vegetation and climate
predictions, available wind soil erosion models, and data on dust
production from different soils to predict and map likely future dust
source/sink patterns and amounts; summarizing research results for
distribution/communication to a general audience; and reporting research
results as high quality, peer-review publications.

This is a one year, TERM, full-time appointment, GS-11, starting at
$55,494 year, plus full benefits. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens.
Interested parties please contact jayne_belnap@usgs.gov, or apply online
at www.usajobs.gov, announcement WR-2008-0610. Applications due 8/18/08.

Sue Phillips
USGS- Southwest Biological Science Center
Canyonlands Research Station
2290 S.W. Resource Blvd
Moab, UT 84532
Phone: (435) 719-2337; FAX: (435) 719-2350
Email: sue_phillips@usgs.gov

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