PhD fellowship in terrestrial ecology or conservation ecology: ~

29 de octubre de 2008

PhD fellowship in terrestrial ecology or conservation ecology:

I am looking to accept a bright and motivated PhD student into my
laboratory at Rice University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology starting Fall 2009. I am looking for prospective students with
interests related to one or more of the following 3 areas: 1) Effects of
altered functional diversity (invasion/extinction) and habitat structure
on multi-trophic species-interactions and ecosystem processes, 2)Impacts
of climate change on species interactions and wildlife demography, and 3)
Behavioral ecology of mammals and birds. Preference will go to applicants
with strong academic records and quantitative skills and previous research

Please see our departmental website, <> for more
information on the graduate program, the department and my own and the
other faculty's research interests. The department has strengths in a
variety of research areas ranging from the ecology and evolution of
interspecific interactions, conservation ecology, invasive species, and
forest community dynamics to genomics, speciation, and the evolution of
intra-specific cooperation and sociality. Formal application materials for
graduate school can be submitted using the above website.

Interested students should email me a letter of interest and attach a copy
of their CV.

Dr. Amy Dunham, PhD
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Rice University
Houston, TX, 77005
Email: aed4(at)

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