Thursday 20th October 2011
17h Wendy Hood
Assistant research professor in Biological Sciences at Auburn University
Calcium, bones, milk, and babies: Investigating the role of extrinsic and intrinsic limitations on reproduction
of the most essential interactions between an organism and its
environment is through the food it consumes to support survival and
reproduction. Dr Hood’s
research focuses on the interaction between diet, life-history
tradeoffs, and the physiological mechanisms that control these
interactions. A primary focus of her laboratory has been understanding
the cost to mothers of mobilizing bone mineral during lactation
compared to the rewards to offspring in the form of superior skeletal
development. Dr Hood will describe her recent work on extrinsic and
intrinsic constraints on reproductive performance in bats, mice, and
ground squirrels.
18h Geoffrey Hill
Professor in Biological Sciences at Auburn University
Rethinking the mechanisms of honest signaling
Condition is a nearly ubiquitous
term in the behavioral, physiological, and evolutionary literature, yet
existing definitions are incomplete or ambiguous. Too often in the
literature, condition is defined as nutrient reserves.
This poor conceptualization has led to confusion regarding what is
being signaled by condition-dependent traits and how to interpret links
between ornamentation and individual characteristics such as nutrient
reserves, oxidative state, and immunocompetence.
I propose that the combined effects of the somatic state, epigenetic
state, and genotype of an organism determine condition. I define
condition as the relative capacity to maintain optimal functionality of
vital systems within the body. A condition-dependent
trait is a conspicuous feature of an organism that enhances perception
of condition. If the honesty of ornamental traits derives from
connections to vital cellular processes then there is no need to invoke a
resource tradeoffs to insure signal honesty.
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Laboratori de Natura
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
P.Picasso s/n, 08003 Barcelona