Location: New Bern/Vanceboro, NC
Salary: $10/hr (both part and full-time)
Start Date: 28 January 2013
End Date: 31 July 2013
Apply By: 30 November 2012
Description: We are seeking one herpetological field technician to
assist us in our MS thesis projects involving radio-telemetry of
spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata) in addition to anuran call surveys,
larval surveys, egg mass surveys, and visual encounter surveys. These
projects will require the applicant to develop extensive knowledge of
Southeastern herpetofauna with experience in the above survey
techniques preferred.
The field work will be conducted on loblolly pine forestland of the
Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina. The projects will involve
strenuous conditions including: mosquitos, presence of venomous
snakes, intensive heat and humidity, and unpredictable weather. The
technicians MUST be able to physically handle climbing in and out of
deep ditch systems, while carrying equipment. Private forestland has
stringent safety requirements which project personnel are required to
Housing and field transportation will be provided. The applicant must
be able to live on site from 28 January – 31 July, 2013.
Please send a cover letter, resume, and list of three references (all
in one PDF document) by November 30th 2012 to:
Chris O’Bryan (obryan2@clemson.edu) and Bethany Johnson (bethanj@clemson.edu)
Bennie A. Johnson
M.S. Candidate, Wildlife and Fisheries Biology
School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Science
Lehotsky Hall, Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634
13 de octubre de 2012
field assistant
job offer
Seasonal Herpetological Field Technician Job Announcement