Study Abroad Program in Namibia - African Ecology & Conservation ~

14 de septiembre de 2013

Study Abroad Program in Namibia - African Ecology & Conservation

The Fisheries, Wildlife & Conservation Biology program in conjunction with
the Study Abroad Office at North Carolina State University offers a 3 week
study abroad program in Namibia (south western Africa) from May 18 to June
07, 2014. Namibia is one of Africa’s most stable and safest countries with
a good infrastructure and a well-developed tourism industry.

This is a unique opportunity for students to explore and experience Africa
while studying and gaining valuable knowledge about African wildlife-,
savanna- and desert ecology, park management, conservation, ecotourism and
ecological sampling techniques.  Students will:

·         explore various ecosystems, including the Namib Desert and the
Etosha National Park

·         conduct field work including radio tracking, camera trapping,
game counts, population surveys, vegetation surveys, and apply various
ecological sampling techniques

·         track desert elephants

·         participate in discussions and field lectures

·         meet and interact with field biologists

·         enjoy game drives and bushwalks

The program will be directed by Dr Dörgeloh, a wildlife ecologist with
extensive knowledge and many years experience in southern Africa. The
program is also open to out-of-state and international students, as well as
graduate students.

For further information about the program please visit or contact the program
director. You are welcome to view photos and videos of previous trips on
Facebook Namibia Study Abroad. You can also visit us at the NC State Study
Abroad Fair in October and talk to alumni students. Online applications are
available through the NCSU Study Abroad Office at from the end of September. Note: The deadline
for applications is Dec. 06, 2013.


Werner Dörgeloh (PhD Wildlife Management)

Program Director - Namibia

North Carolina State University

Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources

Box 8008, Raleigh, NC 27695

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