Post-doctoral position available: Global change in African Mountains (South Africa) ~

9 de octubre de 2013

Post-doctoral position available: Global change in African Mountains (South Africa)

Fixed contract position: Coordinator for AfroMont, the African Mountain Research NetworkThe University of Pretoria is offering a contract position for the coordinator of AfroMont, the African Mountain Research Network ( AfroMont consists of 300 scientists from across Africa who have a common interest: sustainable resources and livelihoods in the African mountains. AfroMont wishes to promote the science needed to achieve sustainable livelihoods and ecosystem services in these areas.

Post-doctoral position available: Global change in African Mountains

The University of Pretoria is offering a post-doctoral research position on global change in African mountains. Global change denotes the interaction between climate as well as other global drivers, and human practice with respect to the ecosystem services, food and natural resources. The effect of global change is likely to be observed clearly in mountain areas because the altitudinal variation in climate and natural resources in mountains provides a sensitive indicator of environmental conditions and because human populations in mountains are often closely dependent on these mountain natural resources.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. J.W.H. Ferguson
Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Pretoria

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