Beca para asistir al evento BIG de divulgación de la ciencia en Edinburgo ~

3 de mayo de 2019

Beca para asistir al evento BIG de divulgación de la ciencia en Edinburgo

Deadline for applications: 15th May, 11:59pm

BIG is offering a few bursary places to attend the BIG Event in July. This is ideal for people working in and around science communication, who think they might benefit from making some more professional friends by attending BIG’s three-day annual conference in Edinburgh.

The bursary covers registration fees to attend the BIG Event 17-19 July at Dynamic Earth, plus limited travel and accommodation support. BIG members who are in the first five years of their professional career and have not attended a previous BIG Event are eligible to apply. If you’re not a member of BIG, don’t let that stand in your way – join at

If you fit this bill, then we’d love you to apply for a bursary to come along. The BIG Event brings together 150+ STEM engagement professionals from across the UK and beyond to help you build your skills, grow your contacts and explore what’s working for others in your field of work.

You can read all the detail about the conference and the bursary application process at

Don’t forget – you must be a BIG member to apply so leave time to join if you aren’t a member already.

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