Oferta de doctorado en genética de helechos ~ Bioblogia.net

29 de agosto de 2019

Oferta de doctorado en genética de helechos

Graduate position: Sigel Lab at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette on the evolutionary genetics of invasive ferns

The Sigel lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Louisiana
at Lafayette is currently recruiting a PhD student interested in pursuing
research on the phylogenetics, population genetics, and genomics of the
invasive aquatic fern Salvinia molesta. Widely considered one on the
world's most invasive and understudied weeds, Salvinia molesta poses
an extreme ecological and economic burden in the southeastern United
States. This project will involve extensive sampling of contemporary
populations and historic herbarium specimens to infer the polyploid
and reticulate evolutionary origins of Salvinia molesta, as well as
characterize its genetic and epigenetic variation within Louisiana and
the adjacent Gulf of Mexico Coastal Region.

This project has recently been recommended for funding by NSF as part of
the Consortium for Plant INvasion Genomics (CPING), centered out of the
University of Louisiana at Lafayette. This consortium unites researchers
several institutions conducting similar projects that leverage herbarium
specimens to better understand the evolutionary dynamics underlying plant
invasions. There are multiple years of research assistant support for
a student pursing this project. The preferred start date is January 2020.

The ideal candidate for this position is a passionate and motivated
scientist with previous research experience in evolutionary biology,
phylogenetics, genomics, or a related field. Previous experience
conducting molecular work, phylogenetics, and working with genomic data
sets is highly preferred but not required. A desire to participate in
field collection, learn new skills, and work collaboratively with others
is necessary.

The Department of Biology at the University of Louisiana at
Lafayette has a large and productive graduate program, with
relatively low TA loads, guaranteed funding for PhD students,
and many available fellowships. We also have a strong program in
Evolutionary Biology with nine new faculty members in the last 5
years. Information on our graduate program and curriculum can be found
at https://biology.louisiana.edu/programs/graduate.

Lafayette is a college town in south-central Louisiana in the heart of
Acadiana, a region known for its Cajun culture, food, and music. Learn
more at https://www.lafayettetravel.com/explore/history-of-acadiana.

If interested, please email Dr. Erin Sigel (erinsigel@louisiana.edu;
erinsigel.net). Include a CV, cover letter highlighting relevant
experience and motivations for the position, and contact information
for three references.

Erin M. Sigel, PhD.
Assistant Professor
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Billeaud Hall, Room 108
Lafayette, LA 70503
Erin Sigel <erinsigel@louisiana.edu>

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