Webinar: A Sea of Change—Climate Change and Our Ocean. The state of the science and solutions. ~ Bioblogia.net

17 de septiembre de 2019

Webinar: A Sea of Change—Climate Change and Our Ocean. The state of the science and solutions.

Date/Time: Tuesday, September 24th from 3-4pm Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Presented by: Dr. Sarah Cooley, Director, Ocean Acidification Program, Ocean Conservancy, and Dr. George Leonard, Chief Scientist, Ocean Conservancy
Description: The ocean plays a key role in the global carbon cycle and is closely tied to our atmosphere. This connection makes the ocean ground zero for global climate change. It should be a central part of climate discussions. The eagerly awaited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) will make it one. The report--an in-depth, globally vetted assessment of the best existing science--is set to be released on Wed, Sept 25th. In anticipation of the report's release, Ocean Conservancy is taking stock of what we know--that the ocean and those who depend on it are already seeing dramatic effects from climate change, and that bold action is needed tackle the issue and make ocean part of the strategy for solutions. Join us on Sept. 24th as we discuss: What are the ways a changing climate affects our ocean? What can we expect to see in the SROCC report? And, most importantly, how can policy make a difference?
Register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4997789823570230029

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