Varias ofertas de doctorado y postdoc en Suiza (biodiversidad, ecología espacial, eDNA...) ~

26 de marzo de 2020

Varias ofertas de doctorado y postdoc en Suiza (biodiversidad, ecología espacial, eDNA...)

Multiple PhD and postdoc positions opening up in Altermatt group, Switzerland

Dear colleagues,

I hope you, your families and research groups are all doing fine in these turbulent times. The last weeks have brought many uncertainties, which will also affect ongoing and future research projects. This is especially challenging for junior scientists. Just before the COVID-19 crisis took off in Europe, I have received positive funding decisions on two grants. First, I wanted to wait with the announcement of the positions, as our priorities have shifted quite a bit. However, after talking to multiple junior scientists, I realized that openings of positions can also give some positive perspectives. Thus, I now announce these positions, and would be happy if you can spread the word to possible candidates.

Specifically, I have openings for two PhD and two postdoc positions in my group for projects at the intersect of spatial ecology, biodiversity sciences, eDNA, amphipods and more. All projects are on fundamental research questions but also have significant interactions with stakeholders (particularly the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment) and are partly linked to biomonitoring implementation. The provisional starting dates are this summer, however, that will be rather flexible.

All details and descriptions of the positions as well as application deadlines can be found here:
Thank you for forwarding this information to possible candidates!

Best wishes and stay healthy,


Short summary
1 Postdoc position (2 yrs) on reconstructing macroinvertebrate communities (eDNA, kicknet sampling and species distribution models) in streams affected by wastewater treatment plants. See: Mansfeldt et al. 2020 STOTEN. This is project in collaboration with BAFU. Application Deadline April 15.

1 Postdoc (3+1 years) on biomonitoring and biogeography of groundwater amphipods (focus: Niphargus sp.) in Switzerland. Application Deadline April 15

1 PhD position (4 years) on biomonitoring and biogeography of groundwater amphipods (focus: Niphargus sp.) in Switzerland. Application Deadline April 15

1 PhD position on assessing biodiversity in the Yunnan River Network using eDNA and link to past and current network connectivity. Extended Application Deadline: April 10 2020

Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies,
University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland.

Alternative Address:
Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology,
Department of Aquatic Ecology, Überlandstrasse 133, CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland

+41 (0)58 765 5592 | | @altermatt_lab

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