Oferta de doctorado en Italia trabajando en genética de organismos endémicos ~ Bioblogia.net

17 de abril de 2020

Oferta de doctorado en Italia trabajando en genética de organismos endémicos

We are seeking expressions of interest for one PhD position on a project
led by the University of Ferrara (Italy).

Using five iconic endangered Italian endemics as model species, we plan to
obtain chromosome-scale, fully-annotated genome assemblies and whole-genome
resequencing data to investigate the dynamics of the accumulation of
deleterious mutations in small populations, and their impact on individual

This three-year project was selected in 2019 by the Italian Ministry for
Education and Research, but funding was delayed until February 2020.

Additional details can be found at www.endemics.it.

Interested candidates should contact Giorgio Bertorelle (ggb@unife.it). The
phd student will be enrolled in November.

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