Oferta de doctorado en Chequia, colaborando con muchos otros países, para estudiar la evolución del canto de las aves ~ Bioblogia.net

15 de septiembre de 2023

Oferta de doctorado en Chequia, colaborando con muchos otros países, para estudiar la evolución del canto de las aves

 Three-year PhD position within a prestigious EU-funded MSCA doctoral network BioAcAi (Bioacoustic AI for wildlife protection):

*YELLOWHAMMER:  Individual acoustic monitoring to study song culture evolution within and between dialect areas*

PhD position offers:
•   gross monthly salary ca 1980 EUR (incl. mandatory health and social insurance)
•   extra allowance for relocation, and for family/special needs if required
•   close collaboration with artificial intelligence and biodiversity experts from several European
countries (Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Czechia, Finland, UK)

The PhD project is based at the Department of Ecology, Charles University, Prague. The study should start in March 2024.

To apply, please submit *(1) a letter of motivation, (2) your academic CV, (3) the names and contact details of two references.

Submit these as a single PDF document to: tereza.petruskova@natur.cuni.cz

*The application deadline is October 30, 2023.*

For more information, see:




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