Busca nidos, anilla y estudia las poblaciones de cuclillo broncíneo en Nueva Caledonia durante 3 meses ~ Bioblogia.net

12 de junio de 2023

Busca nidos, anilla y estudia las poblaciones de cuclillo broncíneo en Nueva Caledonia durante 3 meses

 Oferta compartida por Cristina

Field assistants – Avian behavioural ecology New Caledonia

We are looking for 2-3 field assistants to work on avian behavioural ecology in New Caledonia. The research is part of a long-term study on the co-evolutionary arms race between the Fan-tailed Gerygone and the Shining Bronze-cuckoo conducted by the Behavioural Ecology Group at the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (for more info see Attisano et al, 2018 SciRep 8:10359; Attisano et al., 2021, CurrZool, 67:653-663; Attisano et al., 2023, JAnimEcol, 92:30-43). Postgraduate students are particularly encouraged to apply as there are possibilities to develop research projects on co-evolutionary arms race, spatial ecology, avian breeding ecology and vocal repertoire and communication.
When: up to 2-3 months between October - December 2023, exact dates and duration to be agreed.
Where: main island of Grande Terre, in managed nature reserve with tropical savannah and dry forest habitats.

Duties: nest searching and monitoring, mist-netting and banding, data collection and  analysis, maintenance of field equipment.

Requisites: experience of behavioural research with wild birds in particular nest searching, nest monitoring, mist-netting, bird banding and use of photo traps. Additional training will be provided. Fieldwork is physically demanding (UV exposure, heat, humidity, rain) therefore physical fitness, enthusiasm and self-motivation are essential. Ability to work independently or as part of a team and to share living spaces is also essential. Previous experience of working in the tropics, driving license and knowledge of French are desirable.

Working conditions: 8-10 hours daily for 5 days a week on average, up to 10-12 hours and 6-7 days a week during the peak of the breeding season. Early morning start. Selected applicants will need to arrange their own travel to and from New Caledonia. The project will provide free accommodation and a monthly wage to cover food costs and living expenses.

How to apply: send a single PDF named “NC2023_Assistant_NameSurname.pdf” with CV, cover letter (max 1 page) describing relevant experience and contact details of 2 referees to aattisano@miiz.waw.pl by the 18/06/2023. Prospective postgraduate candidates should also include a brief preliminary research proposal (max 1 page).

Only selected applicants will be contacted and invited for an online interview.

For informal enquiries please contact: dr Alfredo Attisano (aattisano@miiz.waw.pl).

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