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11 de mayo de 2024

2 plazas de investigador/a en entomología en la Universidad de Oviedo

 Oferta compartida por Marina en el Biogrupo


Catalogación y revisión taxonómica de la colección entomológica de la Universidad de Oviedo para el estudio de patrones de variación espacial, temporal y morfológica.

2 plazas de investigador/a con cargo al proyecto de investigación MRR-24-BIODIVERSIDAD-BIO07 (Catalogación y revisión taxonómica de la colección entomológica de la Universidad de Oviedo para el estudio de patrones de variación espacial, temporal y morfológica.)


Características de la plaza

Entidad financiadora:
Nº referencia del proyecto:
Proyecto de investigación
Investigador responsable:
Fecha de inicio del contrato:
Fecha de fin del contrato:
Nº plazas propuestas:
Salario bruto mensual:
1.760,00 €
Tipo de jornada:
Tiempo completo
Jornada semanal:
37,5 horas
Centro de adscripción de la plaza:
Tareas a realizar

- Catalogar e informatizar la colección entomológica de la Universidad de Oviedo. - Revisar la identificación taxonómica de diversos grupos entomológicos de la colección.

Fechas de interés

Fecha de inicio de plazo de presentación de candidaturas:
Fecha de fin de plazo de presentación de candidaturas:


Requisitos mínimos especificados en la resolución por la que se convoca el concurso público.

Requisitos Generales
Perfil del candidato:
Grado, diplomado/ o equivalente
Requisitos Específicos

Estar en posesión de las siguientes titulaciones: -Título de Graduado/a en Biología - titulaciones equivalentes (Titulaciones de Planes de Estudios de anteriores (Diplomatura/Ingeniería Técnica)

Criterios de valoración

Los criterios de valoración junto con su puntuación máxima se recogen en la lista siguiente

ENTREVISTA/PRUEBA ELIMINATORIA, hasta 3 puntos - Prueba escrita relacionada con la línea de investigación, hasta 3 puntos:
3.0 puntos
FORMACIÓN ACADÉMICA, hasta 3 puntos: - Media del expediente académico de Grado: hasta 1 punto - Trabajo de Fin de estudios relacionado con la línea de investigación, hasta 0,5 puntos - Otros cursos de formación relacionados con la línea de investigación, hasta 1,5 puntos:
3.0 puntos
EXPERIENCIA PROFESIONAL Y LABORAL, hasta 3 puntos: - Participación en proyectos y/o contratos de investigación relacionados con la linea de investigación, hasta 1 punto - Publicaciones científicas en revistas indexadas, 0,25 puntos/publicación, hasta 0,50 puntos - Estancias en centros de investigación extranjeros, hasta 1 punto - Comunicaciones a congresos relacionados con la línea de investigación, hasta 0,25 puntos - Participación en actividades de divulgación científica, hasta 0,25 puntos:
3.0 puntos
OTROS MÉRITOS, hasta 1 punto - Experiencia en otras actividades que puedan ser transferibles a la línea de investigación, hasta 1 punto:
1.0 puntos

10 de mayo de 2024

Buscan experto/a en botánica en Madrid

 Oferta compartida por Clara García en el Biogrupo

Audema, consultora ambiental que ofrece un servicio integral a través de sus 3 departamentos: inspección, mediambiente y arqueología, busca incorporar a un/a Experto/a en Botánica para trabajar en el departamento de Cosultoría Medioambiental.

Buscamos una persona resolutiva con conocimientos y experiencia demostrable, al menos, en alguna de las siguientes áreas: vegetación y flora, hábitat, ecología, paisaje, consultoría ambiental. Y acostumbrada a tratar con diferentes Administraciones Públicas.

Se valorará:

Experiencia trabajando en el sector de la consultoría ambiental o similar.

Experiencia en redacción de estudios de impacto medioambiental.

9 de mayo de 2024

Tres ofertas como biólogo/a molecular o especialista en taxonomía en Ocean Census (UK)

Oferta compartida por Nuria

Ocean Census is a global alliance focused on discovering and protecting ocean life. They are currently recruiting for 3 new science roles to be based in Oxford (UK) to support the acceleration of species discovery :
  • Molecular Biologist to start as soon as possible from 1 June, engaged in research and advancing our sequencing programme
  • Taxonomist to start as soon as possible from 1 June
  • Taxonomist to start as soon as possible from 1 October
For details follow the link on each job title. The application deadline is May 19th, 2024.

All positions are based in Begbroke Science Park, Oxford, UK, including working in the lab and participating in or leading on field expeditions and workshops overseas for extended periods.
Applying can be done by submitting CV and cover letter to, quoting the reference numbers on the job descriptions.

30 de abril de 2024

2 ofertas de postdoctorados trabajando con fauna y flora del Amazonas


Oferta compartida por Daniel Fernández en el Biogrupo  

1) 2-yr postdoc on Making biodiversity inventories more efficient

The Department of Biology, Aarhus University invites applications for a fulltime 2-year postdoc position on:  Making biodiversity inventories more efficient. This postdoc project is part of a larger project funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The overall aim is to understand how tropical plant diversity originated and how it is distributed at present.

The focus is especially on Amazonian rainforests, which house a large part of the Earth's biodiversity but are facing severe threats from climate change and human impact. We urgently need knowledge on biogeographical and ecological ranges of species, and these in turn need many observations of species occurrences from the field. However, such data are very laborious to produce, because traditional field inventories are slow, they require species identification skills that few people have, and the area that needs to be covered is very large.

These problems may be alleviated by approaching field inventories and species identification in new ways that allow non-specialists to contribute to the collection of species occurrence data. One such possibility is to use spectral leaf characteristics to facilitate species identification. The present project aims to test to what degree this approach can facilitate identification of Amazonian understory plants, especially ferns, and to combine it with already existing large datasets to enhance biodiversity mapping in Amazonia.

Starting date and period 

The position is for two years and is available from August 1st, 2024, or soon thereafter.

Job description 

The project aims to enhance ways of making biodiversity inventories more rapid and less dependent on the species identification skills of individual researchers. The focus will be on collecting and analyzing spectral traits on Amazonian understory plants, especially ferns, and to make the results available to the broader public in species identification tools. To test the approach, both already existing material and new material to be collected during coming field trips can be used. The postdoc is expected to contribute ideas and concepts to the project and actively collaborate with other team members, including students and researchers based at other institutions. Participation in field work is encouraged. The postdoc is expected to lead at least two high-quality papers in this research area and contribute to public outreach and teaching.

Your profile 

Applicants must have a PhD degree or equivalent in a relevant field (e.g., ecology, biology, botany) or have submitted their PhD thesis for assessment before the application deadline. The broader project is mostly focusing on ferns as indicators of general floristic variation (with some attention to other plants such as palms), so experience with identifying plants is an advantage. The successful candidate is expected to have good collaborative skills, proven ability to publish at a high international level, and excellent command of the English language. Knowledge of Portuguese or Spanish is an advantage but is not required.

Application materials 

Include a motivation letter (1 page, specify your qualifications for carrying out the planned research), a preliminary research plan (max. 3 pages, outline how you might focus your work to address the research questions mentioned above), CV (including number of citations and H-index from Google Scholar and full list of publications), and educational documentation (copies of diplomas for Master and PhD degrees). Diplomas can be in English or Danish, other materials must be in English.

Supervisor and collaborators 

The work will be supervised by Professor Hanna Tuomisto (Aarhus University) and Dr. Flávia Durgante (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). The postdoc will be integrated in and collaborating with others at the Section for Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity (ECOINF) in the Department of Biology, Aarhus University. There will also be collaboration with several research institutes abroad, notably University of Turku in Finland, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, and several institutes in South America.

What we offer 

The successful candidate is offered:
  • an ambitious, creative, and friendly research environment, inviting lively, open and critical discussion within and across different fields of research
  • a working environment with teamwork, close working relations, network activities among young scientists and social activities
  • a workplace characterized by professionalism, equality, and a healthy work-life balance
  • access to a well-developed research infrastructure 
  • office space, shared equipment

Place of work 

The place of employment and work is the Section for Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity (ECOINF), Department of Biology, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 116, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

About the Department 

The Department of Biology hosts research programs and teaching curricula that cover all major biological sub-disciplines. The Department currently employs approximately 140 academic and technical staff and 40 PhD students. The Department hosts BSc and MSc study programs in Biology with about 400 students enrolled as well as a PhD program. The Department offers a vibrant and informal research environment with a long-standing tradition for collaboration with international university partners in the absolute elite. 

The working language is English, and we welcome applications from all genders of all backgrounds. Read about the Danish work-life balance, special opportunities for junior researchers, and the services available when relocating to Aarhus University here. The campus of Aarhus University is located in a beautiful park close to the city center. Aarhus city has a population of about 300,000 people.

Life quality and time allocation to family life in Denmark is high, and international investigations usually report that no other nationality score higher in terms of life satisfaction.

You can read more about the Department of Biology here.

Contact information 

Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact: Professor Hanna Tuomisto,
2) Postdoctoral Researcher (2 years) in the Amazon Research Team


The Faculty of Science at the University of Turku invites applications for contract-based, fixed term postdoctoral researcher position. Employment starts on 1.8.2024 or as agreed and lasts for two years.

The postdoctoral researcher will join the project "Evolution of landscapes, rivers and biota in Amazonia". The project is funded by the Research Council of Finland and is carried out in collaboration with several research institutes in Europe, Brazil and USA.

The overall aim of the project is to understand spatial distribution patterns of animals and plants in Amazonian rainforests in the light of evolutionary and biogeographical processes that may have driven their diversification. Attention is paid especially to the geological and climatical history of the area, dispersal barriers they may have created, and current as well as past environmental heterogeneity. To obtain a generalized view, the project addresses distributional patterns and population genomic structure of several plant and animal groups in parallel. 

Key Responsibilities:

  • Carrying out active research related to the project themes, including data management and analysis
  • Leading the writing of at least two good-quality scientific papers
  • Participation in relevant outreach activities
Apply between 25 April 2024 and 21 May 2024 16:00 (Europe/Helsinki)

Who we are looking for


Applicants should have a PhD degree in a relevant field (e.g., ecology, biology) or have submitted their PhD thesis for evaluation before the application deadline. The successful applicant should show high motivation, enthusiasm for science, ability to work both independently and as a member of an international research team, and interest in addressing questions at the intersection of biology and geology. We especially look for experience with handling large datasets consisting of species occurrence and/or genomic data as well as familiarity with spatial analysis and GIS.

We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants, regardless of background, to apply for our open positions.


Salary and trial period

The salary of the postdoctoral researcher will be based on job demand level 5 of the university salary chart for teachers and researchers. The task-specific basic salary component is 3213.55 euros per month and the additional component determined by personal performance is 6–50 % of the basic salary.

The position has a probation period of six months.

How to apply

Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 21.5.2024 at 16.00 (EEST GMT+3 / at 13:00 UTC).

Applicants should enclose with their application:

  • motivation letter explaining why you are interested in and qualified for the position
  • CV
  • list of publications (including number of citations and H-index from Google Scholar)
  • preliminary research plan: outline how you might address the research questions mentioned above (maximum 3 pages)
  • degree certificate(s)
  • name and contact information of two academic referees
  • other documents that may influence the filling of the position.

Further information

For further information about the position, please contact: professor Hanna Tuomisto,

With questions about the application process, please contact: HR-specialist Kaisa Ketomäki, kaisa.ketomaki(at)


26 de abril de 2024

Un puesto como técnico en Portugal



Oferta compartida por Marta en el Biogrupo

A NEMUS – Gestão e Requalificação Ambiental, Lda. é uma consultora internacional, sediada em Lisboa, que presta serviços especializados nas áreas do ambiente, da gestão do território e do desenvolvimento sustentável. Com trabalhos realizados em mais de 15 países espalhados por 3 continentes, a NEMUS é uma das empresas pioneiras na consultoria ambiental em Portugal.

Na NEMUS acreditamos que ao trabalhar com especialistas experientes de várias áreas juntos, podemos fazer uma grande diferença. Faz parte do nosso objetivo, portanto, proporcionar uma experiência de consultoria internacional e de passar o conhecimento que temos adquirido ao longo de mais de vinte anos de trabalho à nossa equipa. Queremos que esta cresça connosco e que ajude a fazer uma diferença e a contribuir para o desenvolvimento de projetos desafiantes e impactantes, de diversas dimensões e em geografias completamente distintas.

Estamos neste momento a recrutar 1 técnico superior (M/F) da área da Biologia.


  • Mestrado ou Doutoramento na área da Biologia (Doutoramento será priorizado)
  • Disponibilidade para deslocações internacionais
  • Fluência em inglês falado e escrito
  • Dinamismo, espírito de equipa e disciplina
  • Elevado sentido de responsabilidade
  • Conhecimentos avançados de Microsoft Office


  • Prestar apoio às equipas de projeto no desenvolvimento dos mesmos
  • Realizar investigação e trabalho de campo para caracterizações base de projetos, etc.
  • Desenvolver descritores de Biologia e Ecologia em Estudos de Impacto Ambiental e Social, Planos de Gestão de Bacias Hidrográficas, entre outros
  • Elaborar soluções sustentáveis de mitigação de riscos ambientais
  • Identificação de espécies (no terreno, em laboratório e através de fotografia)
  • Articular com outras especialidades para colaboração e orientação de projetos

Aproveite esta oportunidade e junte-se a nós para criar um mundo mais verde e mais sustentável.

Candidaturas através do LinkedIn ou para

21 de abril de 2024

Oferta de doctorado en Noruega estudiando aves


 Oferta compartida por: Malena

PhD Research Fellow in terrestrial ecology.

There is a vacancy for a PhD Research Fellow position in terrestrial ecology at the Department of Biological Sciences (BIO), University of Bergen. The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years with the possibility of a 4 th year with compulsory other work (e.g. teaching duties at the Department) and is associated with the Ecological and Environmental Change research group. The position is funded by the University of Bergen.

About the project/work tasks:

In current attempts to understand how environmental change affects ecosystems, the focus is often on species abundances and distributions (range limits), while species interaction data remain sporadic. Meanwhile, recent long-term studies show that the strength of interactions may also be changing within species ranges regardless of predicted range shifts. It is important to establish the extent of such “invisible” change within ecosystems, because ultimately the functioning and stability of a species (or network of species) depends on the strengths of its interactions more than on its presence or absence.

The focus here is on terrestrial ecosystems and particularly temperate forests. The candidate will use hole-nesting birds and their trophic interactions along an urbanisation gradient to study the combined effects of habitat degradation and climatic factors on species interactions. The candidate is expected to develop their research empirically through the monitoring of hole-nesting birds in local nestbox populations and the use of data collected in the past decade. Some of these questions may also be addressed at a broader scale through international collaborations.

The candidate will be based at the University of Bergen, with the possibility of short stays abroad for the purposes of collaboration.

Qualifications and personal qualities:

  • Applicants must hold a master's degree or equivalent education in Ecology and Evolution or must have submitted their master's thesis for assessment prior to the application deadline. It is a condition of employment that the master's degree has been awarded.
  • Experience with handling and measuring small passerine birds is a requirement.
  • Good statistical skills and familiarity with R programming is required.
  • Experience with the monitoring of breeding birds in nestbox populations throughout at least one entire breeding season is a clear advantage.
  • A documented interest for fieldwork involving wild birds in Scandinavian weather is a clear advantage.
  • Familiarity with spatial data analysis in R (GIS) is also an advantage.
  • Applicants must be able to work independently and in a structured manner and demonstrate good collaborative skills.
  • Applicants must be proficient in both written and oral English.

Personal and relational qualities will be emphasized. Ambitions and potential will also count when evaluating the candidates.

Special requirements for the position

The University of Bergen is subjected to the regulation for export control system. The regulation will be applied in the processing of the applications.

We can offer:

  • A good and professionally stimulating working environment.
  • Salary as PhD research fellow (code 1017) in the state salary scale. This constitutes a gross annual salary of NOK 532 200 (equivalent to pay grade 54). Further increases in salary are made according to length of service in the position. 
  • Enrolment in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
  • Good welfare benefits.

20 de abril de 2024

Conserva el Pantanal y el Gran Chaco de Bolivia y Brasil

Apply here 

The Environment Portfolio at The Pew Charitable Trusts  

For more than 30 years, Pew has been a major force in engaging the public and policy makers about the causes, consequences, and solutions to some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Our environment work spans all seven continents with more than 250 professionals working at the local, national, and international levels to reduce the scope and severity of global environmental problems, such as the erosion of large natural ecosystems that contain a great part of the world’s remaining biodiversity, and the destruction of the marine environment. Pew’s global environmental program focuses on science-based, nonpartisan, and sustainable solutions to help protect the planet and people. We work in partnership with governments, Indigenous rights holders, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, local stakeholders, scientists, and other researchers to advance public policy so that nature and communities can thrive.

Since 1990, Pew has worked in North America, South America and Australia to protect large and critically important terrestrial ecosystems, including rivers and other freshwater resources, coastal temperate rainforests, interior mountain ranges, the northern boreal forests, Australia’s Outback, and Chilean Patagonia. We work to ensure these natural systems remain bountiful, functioning, and resilient, providing essential ecological services such as clean air and clean water, sustenance and food security for local communities and more broadly for the welfare of current and future generations.

Conserving the Pantanal and Gran Chaco Wildlands
South America’s Pantanal and Gran Chaco regions are among the most ecologically significant tropical wetlands and dry forests on Earth. This area spans parts of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina and contains thousands of plant and animal species and provides vital aquatic habitat, nutrient renewal, migration routes, and flood control for millions of animals and people living downstream. The region’s extensive ecosystems are currently threatened by deforestation, drought and intensification of wildfires related to climate change, and thus urgently need conservation action.

The project will work with the policy frameworks in each country to solidify and expand protection of the extraordinary biodiversity of the Pantanal-Gran Chaco region. Pew will partner with local and international conservation organizations, government agencies, and Indigenous governments and organizations to improve management of and expand protected areas, support Indigenous organizations and communities in the management of their territories, promote sustainable management for ranching lands, and to advance long-term conservation financing mechanisms for durable protections.

Position Overview

The Project Director, Pantanal-Gran Chaco Project, will develop and lead implementation of a project to mobilize support for durable conservation measures in order to maintain the ecosystems and biodiversity of the Pantanal Chaco region in close collaboration with partner organizations.

The project director oversees a multi-country strategy working on large scale land and freshwater conservation in the Pantanal Chaco.  This position manages staff in Bolivia, and relationships with consultants and partner organizations across Bolivia and Brazil with potential expansion to include Argentina and Paraguay.

The position reports to the Senior Director, Land and Freshwater Conservation.  The position is preferably based within one of the following locations: Santa Cruz or La Paz, Bolivia; Campo Grande, Cuiaba, or Sao Paulo, Brazil; or elsewhere within or proximate to the Pantanal and Gran Chaco region.

Candidates must be legally authorized to work in the country for which they are seeking employment without visa sponsorship.

Payroll: The selected candidate will work on behalf of The Pew Charitable Trusts in Bolivia or Brazil, but will not be legally employed by Pew. The selected candidate will be pay rolled through a local third-party vendor in Bolivia or Brazil.


  • Foster a work environment that is diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible and in line with Pew and the project’s related goals.
  • Develop and supervise implementation of effective project strategies and set achievable and measurable targets that will result in achieving the project’s goals to improve and enhance the protection of the Pantanal Chaco through the countries’ protected area systems, Indigenous territories, sustainably managed ranchlands, and other effective conservation measures.
  • Supervise and support a distributed team of staff and consultants, in order to develop and maintain a highly motivated, well-resourced, and effective collective effort to achieve project goals. Identify capacity needs, including hiring staff and consultants, as necessary to ensure the project has the necessary human resources to achieve its goals.
  • Coordinate closely with partners and other allies and organizations in order to maximize the impact of project strategies, facilitate the development of partnerships and coalitions as appropriate.
  • Develop and maintain working relationships with decision makers, government officials and national and international institutions, as well as relevant NGOs in the field.
  • Develop mechanisms to analyze opportunities for project efforts. Design and oversee cost effective budgets and monitor project expenses as needed.
  • Serve as a spokesperson in order to cultivate and engage the public and key constituencies regarding the tangible mechanisms and measures that can be taken to address the need to conserve the Pantanal-Gran Chaco region.
  • Identify, track, and analyze opportunities that have relevance for project efforts.
  • Determine when goals are at risk of not being met, identify the causes and, when needed, take appropriate steps to fix any problems in ways that keep the project on course.
  • Ensure that information related to the project is adequately communicated internally and coordinate with other projects and units within Pew to enhance the impact of Environment projects more generally.
  • Develop and maintain a broad knowledge of the science and policies relevant to terrestrial and freshwater conservation in the Pantanal Chaco.
  • Represent Pew publicly at conferences, seminars and official forums and as required and appropriate by authoring articles for newspapers, magazines and peer-reviewed journals.
  • Participate in activities that support program and Pew-wide objectives.


  • Bachelor’s degree required or equivalent experience; an advanced degree in law, natural resources policy and management, ecology or biological sciences, or similar fields is preferred.
  • Generally, 10 years of professional experience, including staff, project, and/or consultant management experience 
  • A proven track record of leadership and accomplishment in designing and implementing environmental, conservation, or sustainability programs, with a preference for experience supporting protected area development, Indigenous lands and territories, or sustainability of ranching operations.
  • Extensive experience in project development, coalition building, and building partnerships.
  • Extensive experience working with elected officials, government agencies, and national, regional, and local non-governmental organizations.
  • Excellent political, strategic and analytical skills with proven program management skills to develop, execute and evaluate a range of diverse strategies to achieve goals.  A task-oriented, deadline driven style with a focus on achieving clear and ambitious goals. Experience developing and moving projects forward with a high degree of independence and autonomy.
  • Desirable international work experience in biodiversity conservation.
  • Familiarity with institutional frameworks and policy in Bolivia and/or Brazil.
  • Demonstrable experience successfully managing staff and teams based in dispersed geographies, developing and managing productive relationships with consultants, partners and others who contribute to the development of a project by anticipating possible outcomes.
  • Exceptional oral and written communications skills. Skilled at synthesizing material and focusing quickly on the essence of an issue and the means to address it. Confident in presenting one’s own ideas and diplomatically persuading others as appropriate.  Competency in communicating complex ideas for a general audience, with strong public speaking skills and experience persuasively engaging individuals or groups in dialogue that results in a desire to take action.
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills, with seasoned judgment and analytical capacity, and a demonstrated strong collaborative spirit and skilled at making decisions.
  • Well-developed skills in diplomacy. Works productively with a wide array of different people and institutions.
  • Fluency in Spanish and English, in addition competence in Portuguese would be preferred.


  • Frequent travel within the Pantanal-Gran Chaco region and international travel to the United States for this position will be required.


  • Pew offers a competitive salary and benefits package.

Pew is an equal opportunity employer.

The Pew Charitable Trusts is an equal opportunity employer, committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Pew considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to age, sex, ethnicity, religion, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity, military/veteran status, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law. 

Prácticas remuneradas en Noruega: Mamíferos marinos y pesca

 The NAMMCO Internship Programme gives students or early career individuals an opportunity to enhance their experience in international environment management, improve their skills, and learn more about NAMMCO and its activities. Applicants can be from NAMMCO member or EEA countries only due to new VISA regulations for nationalities outside these countries which we are unable to assist.

Interns work full time at the NAMMCO Secretariat in Tromsø, Norway.


Interns will gain experience and knowledge of the daily operations of NAMMCO as an intergovernmental organisation providing environmental management advice. The NAMMCO Secretariat will benefit through the presence of an additional professional and the particular knowledge, skills and ideas they bring.


Under the supervision of the staff of the Secretariat, interns will participate in the daily life and activities of the organisation. Depending on the opportunities and needs at the time, the work can include work on:

  • Communication and outreach (e.g. through the web, social media, traditional media, presentations)
  • Meeting/event organisation, participation, report writing
  • Text editing and translation
  • Database, library and archive maintenance

Fieldwork or laboratory work is not part of the internship.

The internship presents a potential to work on project(s) relevant to the work of NAMMCO. Currently we are particularly, but not only, seeking applicants interested in the topic of marine mammal-fisheries interactions and willing to participate in the assessment of the by-catch risk posed by different fisheries on marine mammals in the NAMMCO management areas.

The intern will be attributed a supervisor and will have regular meetings with the staff of the Secretariat. The preferred duration of the internship is between 9 and 12 months.

For more information including guidelines for application and the selection procedure here

Find the application form here

Application deadline for 2024-2025 NAMMCO internship = 30th of April 2024

Find your job here