05/01/2015 - 06/01/2015 ~ Bioblogia.net

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31 de mayo de 2015

PhD in antibiotic resistance (Israel)

Seeking highly talented PhD student to study antibiotic resistance gene dynamics in agroecosystems, within the framework of a European Marie Currie project entitled

“Antibiotics and mobile resistance elements in wastewater reuse applications: risks and innovative solutions (ANSWER)"

Candidates must be from outside of Israel!

Required background: Molecular biology, microbiology, bioinformatics, microbial ecology

Interested candidates please contact:

Dr. Eddie Cytryn

972-(0)3-968-3767, eddie@volcani.agri.gov.il

30 de mayo de 2015

Postdoc in virology/immunology (Germany)

At the Institute for Virology of the University of Duisburg-Essen (Campus Essen) one postdoctoral position is available.

We are seeking for candidates with a Ph.D. in virology or immunology and with fundamental interest in biomedicine. Experience in flow cytometry and mouse experiments is required for the position. Start of the project should be in August/September 2015.
Our work is focussed on the interaction of retroviruses with cells of the immune system. The goal is to develop new therapeutic approaches and vaccines against retroviral infections. The experimental model is the infection of mice with the Friend murine leukemia virus. The main focus of the project will be on the function of CD4+ regulatory T cells during retroviral infections. An overview can be found in: Front. Biosci. 12: 1544-1551 (2007) and especially Retrovirology 8: 76 (2011).

The salary is commensurate with TVL E13 and the appointment is for 2 years with possible extension. The interviews with short listed candidates will be held in early July 2015. The successful candidate should have excellent communication skills in English.

Application details:
Interested candidates should fill in the application form on
https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/virologie/application_form.doc and send it together with the copies of all university degrees in one pdf file only to katrin.palupsky@uni-due.de.
Deadline is 15 June 2015.

Prof. Dr. Ulf Dittmer
Institut fĆ¼r Virologie
UniversitƤtsklinikum Essen
UniversitƤt Duisburg-Essen
45122 Essen
Tel: 0201-7233693
Email: ulf.dittmer@uni-due.de

29 de mayo de 2015

3 year postdoc in fish behaviour (Norway)

At the Institute of Marine Research we currently have a 3-year vacancy for a postdoctoral research fellow to work on fishing-induced changes in behaviour and natural mortality of Norwegian spring spawning herring. The position is currently organised at the Pelagic fish group, and the work place is Bergen. The position is part of the project Can contemporary evolution explain the many enigmas in recent dynamics of Norwegian spring-spawning herring? (ConEvolHer), financed by the Research Council of Norway. The main objective of ConEvolHer is to find out why pelagic planktivores defy the existing theoretical and empirical findings by not showing evolutionary decreases in maturation age, and to assess whether evolutionary changes can be documented in other traits or population characteristics. Norwegian spring spawning (NSS) herring will be used as the focal species.Main duties:
* Assessing the long-term changes in natural mortality, behavior and resource acquisition of NSS herring, relying on the vast databases on tagging, acoustic, and biological data available at IMR, and with the help of stock assessment, statistical and simulation models.
We are looking for candidates with:

* PhD in biology or other closely related field, or the candidate must have submitted his/her doctoral thesis for assessment prior to the application deadline. It is a condition of employment that the PhD has been awarded.
* Experience in life-history evolution and statistical methods.
* Experience in working with programming languages such as R and Matlab
A successful candidate will also have advantage from:

* Earlier work on fishing-induced evolutionary changes
* Knowledge of stock assesmement tools
* Ability to work independently but also act as part of a team
* Good written and oral communication skills
* Ability to work efficiently, be goal-oriented and perform and report project activities.

We offer:

* a challenging and creative working environment
* work at a national institute with extensive international contacts
*  a good working environment
* flexible working hours, good pensions and welfare schemes
The position as 1352 postdoc is paid in accordance with the civil service pay scale.

Would you like more information? Contact project leader Katja Enberg (katja.enberg@imr.no), tel (+47) 4100 6368) or visit the project website: conevolher.imr.no.
The Institute of Marine Research is an Inclusive Workplace (IW) enterprise that wishes to ensure diversity in its workforce, and we are an equal opportunity employer. We therefore encourage all qualified candidates to apply for the vacancy.

Please note that information about applicants may be made public even if an applicant has requested to be left off the list of applicants. Applicants will be notified about this in advance.

Applications summarizing relevant skills and reasons to apply for the position should be submitted electronically via the link on this page, and should be accompanied by a full CV, relevant certificates and a list of publications with links to online copies of publications when available, and two reference letters.

Those interested could send their curriculum until 06-19-2015.

27 de mayo de 2015

4 faculty jobs in marine biology (Chile)

There are four faculty positions going at the IMAR centre at the Universidad de los Lagos in Puerto Montt, Chile.
The place is stunning and I can definitely recommend Chile.
The positions are open for a range of levels of experience, so please either apply or pass on to other qualified candidates.

Text below in English y Castellano

Call for expressions of Interest to join Centro i~mar

Centro i~mar (www.i-mar.cl) is organizing its 2015-2018 Research Plan, considering two main
research areas: (i) understanding and evaluating the qualitative and quantitative effects of fishing and
aquaculture on aquatic ecosystems; and (ii) understanding and evaluating the qualitative and
quantitative effects of local and global environmental changes on fisheries and aquaculture.

To strengthen these two research lines, as well as our natural resources graduate programs, we are planning to
incorporate four new faculty members over the next 12 months, in the following areas:
1. Biological, Chemical or Physical Oceanography, Biophysics or related disciplines applied to
understanding the interactions between environment, aquaculture and / or fisheries

2. Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Phylogeography, Population Genetics or related
disciplines applied to the understanding of the effects of environmental change on biological

3. Fishery Sciences, Quantitative Ecology or related disciplines applied to the assessment of the
status and sustainability of fisheries resources under different management scenarios and / or
environmental change.

4. Quantitative Ecology or related disciplines applied to the modelling and management of
important ecosystems for aquaculture and / or fisheries under different scenarios of
environmental change

Minimum Requirements:
Doctor in Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy or equivalent, obtained from an accredited university in
Chile or abroad; productivity of no less than five scientific articles (ISI) in the past five years; interest
in research and postgraduate teaching. Teaching level fluency in Spanish or English.

Desirable Requirements:
Principal investigator of at least one competitive project in the last 5 years; teaching experience in
undergraduate and/or graduate programs.

Contact and details about the hiring process:
This process will combine direct recruitment through public calls, for senior candidates, with
applications through government supported insertion programs, for young scientists. Colleagues
interested in being considered for any of these positions should contact us to express their interest by
emailing Dr. Edwin Niklitschek (edwin.niklitschek @ ulagos.cl) by the 5th of July 2015.

Convocatoria para expresar manifestaciones de interés
para unirse Centro i ~ mar
El Centro i ~ mar (www.i-mar.cl) está organizando su Plan de Investigación 2015-2018 en torno a dos
áreas principales de investigación: (i) la comprensión y evaluación de los efectos cualitativos y
cuantitativos de la pesca y la acuicultura en los ecosistemas acuáticos; y (ii) la comprensión y
evaluación de los efectos cualitativos y cuantitativos de los cambios ambientales locales y globales
sobre la pesca y la acuicultura. Para la fuerza de estas dos líneas de investigación, así como nuestros
programas de posgrado de recursos naturales, que tienen previsto incorporar cuatro nuevos miembros
de la facultad en los próximos 12 meses, en las siguientes áreas:
1. Oceanografía Física, Química o Biológica, Biofísica o disciplinas afines aplicadas a la
comprensión de las interacciones entre el medio ambiente, la acuicultura y/o pesquero
2. Ecología Molecular, Biología Evolutiva, Filogeografía, Genética de Poblaciones o disciplinas
relacionadas aplicadas a la comprensión de los efectos de los cambios ambientales sobre las
comunidades biológicas.
3. Ciencias Pesqueras, Ecología Cuantitativa o disciplinas afines aplicadas a la evaluación de la
situación y la sustentabilidad de los recursos pesqueros en virtud de diferentes escenarios de
gestión y/o cambio ambiental.
4. Ecología Cuantitativa o disciplinas afines aplicadas al modelado y gestión de los ecosistemas
importantes para la acuicultura y/o pesca bajo diferentes escenarios de cambio ambiental

Requisitos Mínimos:
Doctor en Ciencias, Doctor en Filosofía o equivalente, obtenido de una universidad acreditada en Chile
o en el extranjero; productividad de no menos de cinco artículos científicos (ISI) en los últimos cinco
años; interés por la investigación y la docencia de postgrado. Dominio a nivel docente del idioma
castellano o inglés.

Requisitos deseables:
Investigador principal del al menos un proyecto competitivo en los últimos 5 años; experiencia docente
en los programas de pregrado y/o postgrado.
Contacto y detalles sobre el proceso de contratación:
Este proceso combinará la contratación directa a través de convocatorias públicas, para científicos
consolidados, con aplicaciones a través de programas de inserción apoyados por el gobierno para
científicos jóvenes. Los colegas interesados en ser considerados para cualquiera de estas posiciones
deben expresar su interés enviando un correo electrónico el doctor Edwin Niklitschek
(edwin.niklitschek @ ulagos.cl) antes del 30 de mayo de 2015.

><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>
Professor Chris Harrod
(Fish & Aquatic Ecology)

Email: chris@harrodlab.net
Twitter: @chris_harrod
HarrodLab: Fish and Stable Isotope Ecology Laboratory
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Alexander von Humboldt,
Universidad de Antofagasta,
Avenida Angamos 601, Antofagasta, Chile

Chile Mobile: +56 9 7399 7792
Chile Office: +56 55 2637400
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><

26 de mayo de 2015

Becas en biomedicina (USA y España)

La convocatoria internacional 2015 M+VISION COFUND de ayudas para personal investigador en imágenes de biomedicina en Madrid y Boston se publicó el pasado 14 de mayo y podrán presentarse solicitudes hasta el 15 de junio.

La Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid convoca diez ayudas destinadas a especialistas en investigación avanzada en imagen biomédica. Esta convocatoria se enmarca dentro del programa M+VISION que cuenta con la colaboración del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) y que está cofinanciado por el Séptimo Programa Marco de la Unión Europea.

Inicialmente, las ayudas consisten en 12 meses de beca que pueden ampliarse con hasta 24 meses de contrato, si se cuenta con una organización de acogida (universidad, centro de investigación, hospital o empresa), radicada en Madrid, que contrate en el segundo y tercer año a los investigadores. Las organizaciones de acogida contarán con una cofinanciación de hasta el 57% para la contratación del investigador.

La cuantía de las ayudas es la siguiente:
-              Beca (primer año): 43.000 €/año
-              Contrato (segundo y tercer año): Coste empresa de 65.000 €/año
-              Gastos para investigación (durante los tres años): 2.300 €/año
-              Gastos para viaje (durante los tres años): 3.300 €/año

Se convocan dos modalidades de ayudas en función del tipo de movilidad que contemplan:
-              Modalidad incoming (7 ayudas): los tres años de la ayuda se desarrollan en España.
-              Modalidad outgoing (3 ayudas): los dos primeros años de la ayuda se desarrollan en Estados Unidos y el tercer año en España.

Requisitos de los candidatos

-              Investigadores doctores o con al menos cuatro años de experiencia investigadora a tiempo completo equivalente, a contar desde la obtención del título que formalmente le habilita para iniciar los estudios conducentes a la obtención de un doctorado
-              Que tengan los estudios y la experiencia investigadora requerida en campos relacionados con la imagen biomédica
-              Que cumplan los requisitos de movilidad exigidos para la modalidad de ayuda seleccionada:
-              Modalidad incoming: en el momento de la solicitud, el solicitante no debe haber residido o llevado a cabo su actividad principal (trabajo, estudios, etc.) en España durante más de doce meses en los tres últimos años anteriores a la fecha de finalización del plazo de solicitud.
-              Modalidad outgoing: en el momento de la solicitud el solicitante debe ser residente en España y no debe haber residido o llevado a cabo su actividad principal (trabajo, estudios, etc.) en los Estados Unidos de América durante más de doce meses en los tres últimos años anteriores a la fecha de finalización del plazo de solicitud.

Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d

25 de mayo de 2015

PhD in population dynamics, ecology, and behavior of amphibians (USA)

Ph.D. graduate assistantship available in population dynamics, ecology, and behavior of amphibians in a fire-dependent system.  The candidate will have access to data including dipnetting, call surveys, and fire history, as well as a five-year data set from a winter drift fence study of reticulated flatwoods salamanders (Ambystoma bishopi) on the Florida Panhandle.  This position is suitable only for a student who is also interested in gaining experience in teaching and museum collection management.  Incumbent would be responsible for teaching lab sections in a vertebrate identification and natural history course and for helping to maintain the teaching collection (preserved birds, mammals, fish, and herps).  Because the assistantship would require work on the Virginia Tech campus, and the field site is in Florida, there will be limited opportunity for winter field research.  However, the candidate will have be able to make short field visits during the drift fence season or add a full-time summer field component (which could focus on gopher tortoise, Florida bog frogs, or other species) to collect additional data as the field work is ongoing.  The focus would be on flatwoods salamander demography but there may be opportunities to work on hydrology and habitat data sets as well.  The assistantship covers a stipend, tuition waiver, and some health insurance coverage.

Qualifications: Candidates should have M.S. degree in Fisheries & Wildlife, Ecology, or a related field, have published in a peer-reviewed journal, have relevant field experience, and preferably experience with mark-recapture data sets and demographic analyses.  Successful applicants usually have an undergraduate GPA above 3.3 and GREs above 50th percentile. Experience with natural history museum collections a plus.   Student must be comfortable working as part of a team with diverse goals and responsibilities.  Well-qualified students (published) without the MS may be considered.

Anticipated Starting Date: Position would preferably start in August 2015 but postponing until January 2016 is possible.

To apply: Applicants should submit a letter of interest and a c.v. (including undergraduate and M.S. grade point average and GRE scores and percentiles) as well as contact information for three references to Professor Haas. Promising candidates will be asked to submit an official application to the graduate school at Virginia Tech (http://www.grads.vt.edu/).  Applications will be considered as they are received, so inquiries made sooner are more likely to receive serious consideration.  Contact information:  Dr. Carola A. Haas, Department of Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences, Mail Code 0321, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, cahaas@vt.edu, 1-540-231-9269.  Please put “flatwoods salamander grad position” in subject line of emails.

Carola A. Haas
Professor, Wildlife Ecology
Associate Editor, J. Wildlife Mgmt.
Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Conservation
112 Cheatham Hall (MC 0321)
310 West Campus Drive, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061

24 de mayo de 2015

PhD in molecular biology (Germany)

Role of radiation-induced activation of the hyaluronic acid system for cellular sensitivity to ionizing radiation

A PhD position (65% TV-L13) for a highly motivated PhD student is available immediately at the Institut für Pharmakologie und Klinische Pharmakologie, Düsseldorf, Germany. The research project aims to achieve a better molecular understanding of key molecules that determine the cellular response to ionizing radiation and thus radiation sensitivity with the goal of providing a scientific basis for effective response modulation.
The successful candidate will join a young and dynamic research team in the analysis of the matrix molecule hyaluronan in stem cell-tumor interaction in response to ionizing radiation. We employ a wide range of techniques, including mouse genetics, cell biology, live cell imaging and FACS to study how cell-matrix signaling regulates the structural organization of the tumor and tumor-stroma interactions in cancer and metastasis.

Furthermore, the project is part of the GRK 1739 based in Essen. The program provides a comprehensive multidisciplinary training in radiation biology and oncology, molecular and cell biology, physiology, pharmacology, and experimental medicine. It will also cover complementary professional competencies, such as career planning, bioethics, scientific integrity, and presentation skills. Together with regular supervision and mentoring, this training will allow its graduates to efficiently develop into independent scientists with broad knowledge in biomedical sciences and specialized knowledge in radiation biology and radiation oncology.


The applicant is required to hold an excellent, recent masters degree/diploma in molecular biology, biochemistry or a related field, as well as strong written and oral communication skills. Experience in one of the following methodologies: mouse genetics, cell biology, live cell imaging is an advantage.

How to apply

To apply, send a single PDF file containing a CV, references with contact information, and a statement outlining your interests and relevant work experience to Katharina Röck, Katharina.roeck@uni-duesseldorf.de. For further information about the institute see http://www.uniklinik-duesseldorf.de/pharmakologie

23 de mayo de 2015

Research and teaching postdoc (USA)

Research and Teaching Postdoc at Sam Houston State University
Department of Biological Sciences

General Information
The Sam Houston State University Department of Biological Sciences seeks applicants for a Visiting Faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor that combines teaching experience with an opportunity for research. Contingent on available funding, this is a full-time appointment that will run from September 1, 2015 through May 30, 2017. Salary is competitive and includes full benefits.

The position is ideally suited for a candidate who is seeking a post-
doctoral position with expanded teaching responsibilities, while still
maintaining an active research program. The fellow will teach classes at
the introductory and advanced levels, will have the opportunity to move
doctoral work to publication, and acquire additional skills through the
initiation of new research projects in collaboration with current faculty
members. During the term of the fellowship the candidate  will be a member
of a department that emphasizes excellence in teaching and research, will
be able to recruit and co-mentor passionate graduate and undergraduate
student researchers, and will have an opportunity to see how faculty
members operate successfully at a comprehensive academic institution.

Research Interests
We strongly prefer an individual with research interests that build on
existing faculty expertise, although other areas may be entertained if
appropriate and supportable by a faculty mentor. It will be the applicant’s
responsibility to identify and contact the faculty member(s) they would
potentially choose to pair with, and the faculty member(s) prerogative to
allow the applicant access to their lab for collaborative research. Fellows
will have access to funds to support research and travel and will be
encouraged to explore external grant opportunities.  Annual departmental
research funding will help support research-related activities.

Because SHSU is primarily an undergraduate teaching institution, the fellow
will occupy a standard 9 semester credit hour teaching load each semester.
This typically translates into one lower division lecture course and one
upper division course with lab in each semester. The teaching schedule will
be defined by departmental needs but will include a freshman lecture course
in one of the following: Contemporary Biology, Environmental Science,
Foundations of Science, General Botany, and/or General Zoology. Upper
division courses will include one or more courses in the applicant’s area
of expertise that are in the department’s current course rotation.
You can read more about the Biological Sciences undergraduate and graduate
curricula and find additional information on the courses our faculty
members teach and the research they do by going to their respective

Materials candidates will need to submit include the following:

1. A brief cover letter expressing your interest in the position and
briefly summarizing your training in your specific research area(s), who
you would select as a faculty mentor at SHSU and why you want to work with
them, and your teaching experience.

2. Curriculum vitae.

3. Research and teaching statements. Both statements should be brief -- on
the order of two or three pages.

The research statement should concisely explain your doctoral research
program and expected future direction(s) and how your goals are consistent
with work in a current SHSU mentor’s lab.

The teaching statement should explain the basis for your interest in
teaching at the undergraduate level, briefly summarize your previous
teaching experience and why you are qualified to teach the courses
mentioned above. You should also briefly explain how you believe this
opportunity might help your professional goals. Please do not send us a
statement of your "teaching philosophy."

4. Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts. These are used to help
us assess an applicant's training. Unofficial copies are acceptable with
the application, but the Dean's Office requires an official copy before

5. List the contact information (name, address, telephone number and email
address) for three references and your relationship to these referees.

All Documents should be sent via email as a single (merged) PDF document to:
        1. Search Committee Chair:  Dr. James Harper; jmharper@shsu.edu, and
        2. Department Chair: Dr. Chad Hargrave; cwhargrave@shsu.edu

Review of Applicants will begin 11 June and end when the position is

Address Inquiries to the Committee Chair: Dr. James Harper,
jmharper@shsu.edu, 936-294-1543

General Information About the University: Named for Sam Houston, Texas’
greatest hero, SHSU continually strives to honor its historical roots
through academic excellence that includes exceptional teaching from faculty
members who care as much about their students’ success as they do about
furthering the knowledge of their fields. SHSU offers over 80 bachelor's
degree programs, more than 50 master’s degree programs, and six doctoral
programs, including nationally-recognized programs in Business, Fine Arts,
Education, Mathematics and Criminal Justice. SHSU is classified as
a “Doctoral Research University” by the Carnegie Commission on Higher
Education and was recently recognized by U.S. News and World Report for
being among the best in the country for online graduate programs. In
addition, the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education classified SHSU as
a "Community Engaged" university. This honor was awarded in 2010 to only
sixty-one public institutions nationwide and acknowledges the university's
significant commitment to serving the community.

General Information About the Department: The Department of Biological
Sciences is dedicated to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge and
scientific discovery in the life sciences through innovative teaching and
research. Our Department strives to instill in its students the philosophy
of lifelong scholarship, producing scientifically literate members of
society who have the knowledge to contribute and compete in a rapidly
changing world.

Facilities: The Department occupies modern teaching and research facilities
with large-scale computing capabilities, scintillation counter, cell
sorter, animal rearing facility, acid rain monitoring station, 250 acre
field research station, SHSU Natural History Collections and the Warner
Herbarium, and modern equipment to support research in cell biology,
molecular biology, and systematics.  The successful applicant will also
have the opportunity to affiliate with the SHSU Texas Research Institute of
Environmental Studies.

22 de mayo de 2015

Phd in marine microorganisms (Australia)

PhD Project: Microbial indicators for environmental stress & ecosystem health assessments

Supervisory Panel:
Dr Nicole Webster & Dr David Bourne (Australian Institute of Marine Science)
Dr Marcus Sheaves (James Cook University)

Marine microorganisms drive all globally important biogeochemical cycles, underpin the health of marine ecosystems, are the first biological responders to environmental perturbation and are therefore sensitive early indicators for ecosystem health and/or environmental stress. This 4 year PhD project will develop advanced computational and bioinformatics approaches to establish microbial baselines for the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and to identify specific microbial indicator species / functions that are representative of 'healthy' coral reef states. Identification of microbial indicators would facilitate the development of early warning systems for cumulative stress associated with altered environmental conditions.

This project will explore how microbial composition, microbial function and microbial activity in coral reef sediments, seawater and dominant habitat forming taxa (corals, sponges, sea-grasses) varies under different environmental states. The candidate will bring together sequence datasets from parallel nodes of the project (based on the Great Barrier Reef, New South Wales and Western Australia) to develop quantitative indicator metrics that can implemented into decision frameworks and ecosystem models. A computational pipeline will be constructed to enable robust simultaneous analysis of 16S rRNA amplicon, metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequence data (thereby coupling microbial composition, functional potential and activity). Advanced statistical analysis of the sequence output with the extensive environmental metadata (salinity/conductivity, temperature, chlorophyll a, turbidity and nutrients - collected in conjunction with the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS))
  will enable the first quantitative assessments of microbial changes with environmental conditions and facilitate the identification of microbial indicators for inclusion in management frameworks. The bioinformatics analysis and computational biology will be conducted in close collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Gene Tyson at the Australian Centre for Ecogenomics, who is a global leader in the development of bioinformatics workflows. The project is also part of a national program established with investment from Bioplatforms Australia.

The preferred applicant is expected to have completed a recognised undergraduate degree in science with a major in microbiology / marine biology / quantitative ecology / computational biology and have had exposure to courses in applied statistics, mathematics, bioinformatics, or ecological modelling.. Quantitative bioinformatics analyses are critical to achieving the project's primary objective of identifying microbial indicators of different environmental states.

To Apply: Please send a cover letter and CV to Dr Nicole Webster (n.webster@aims.gov.au) and Dr David Bourne (d.bourne@aims.gov.au)

Deadline for Applications is 30th May 2015.

Additional Details Available at: http://aims.jcu.edu.au/current-funding-opportunities.aspx

21 de mayo de 2015

Postdoc in bioinformatics (Germany)

The Institute for Biostatistics and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing Research at the Rostock University Medical Center (Germany) seeks, pending budgetary approval, and starting July 1 or as soon as possible thereafter, and to be continued for up to 5 years, candidates for the position of a

Full-time Postdoctoral Scientific Researcher, with a focus on bioinformatics.

Your tasks:

•       Next-generation sequencing data analyses.
•       Small-molecule effect analyses using omics data.
•       Machine learning and network-biology based analyses and data integration.
•       Writing of scientific reports and papers.

Advantages for you:

•       A stimulating environment where your contribution can have a real impact.
•       Researching the mechanisms behind biological processes (such as aging) is fascinating.
•       A dedicated and experienced team, fun to work with.

What you need to bring to the table:

•       Doctorate related to bioinformatics, or a research field in the medical/life/natural sciences.
•       Programming/scripting skills, e.g. in R.
•       Strong communication skills (oral presentations and in writing).
•       (Desirable:) Project management experience.

If this describes you and your intentions then please send your application, until 31.05.2015 at the latest, in a single PDF document, consisting of:

•       CV
•       Brief statement of research interests and qualifications
•       contact information for 2-4 scientists who may write a letter of recommendation

Please send your application to Prof. Dr. Fuellen, bioinfo-jobs@med.uni-rostock.de, Director of the Institute for Biostatistics and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing Research, Rostock.

20 de mayo de 2015

5 years PhD and 2 years postdoc in Bioinformatics (Sweden)

Örebro University

The PhD position (5 years) and PostDoc-position (2 years) is in the field of Functional bioinformatics at Örebro University, Sweden.

We seek to use, re-combine and further develop methods for data integration, statistical learning, network biology and statistical bioinformatics. Diagnostic and predictive biosignatures are in the
focus of this position, filtered from clinical, molecular and microbial profile data. Data are mainly from our cooperations partners, medical doctors and biomedical researchers within the international research environment Nutrition-Gut-Brain Interactions Research Centre (NGBI). Methodological development is run together with partners at Swedish, Norwegian, German, and English Universities.
The planned focus is on NG S and OMICs data analysis in combination with statistical learning for biosignature mining.

The candidates needs to have a strong computational biology
background, alternatively computer science, or mathematics combined
with programming/scripting skills. NGS data analysis experience is of
advantage. Daily communication with our experimentally working
partners on international level makes strong communication skills
necessary. Prior education in the biomedical area is a merit.

Application DEADLINE: July 26th

(Three paper copies necessary! See job announcement link below for details.)

Dirk.Repsilber@oru.se; +46 19 30 1256

Bioinformatics Research Group at Örebro University:

Homepage Assoc. Prof. Dirk Repsilber:

NGBI research environment:

Job announcement, details and further links for application
(PhD position only, PostDoc to be announced soon, please contact
Dirk.Repsilber@oru.se !)

19 de mayo de 2015

Para qué sirve un congreso científico y cómo aprovecharlo al máximo

evolution conference brazil

¿Estás pensando en ir a un congreso? ¿Es tu primera vez? Aquí tienes algunas ideas para aprovecharlo mejor.

Hace algún tiempo, un estudiante de doctorado me contaba que no quería ir a un congreso, a pesar de que su directora de tesis le pagaba el viaje y la inscripción.

“Es que todavía no tengo resultados definitivos que presentar”- me dijo- “Cuando tenga algo interesante que llevar, entonces iré.”

Mmm... sí, da un poco de miedo llevar sólo resultados preliminares a un congreso donde probablemente un montón de investigadores experimentados presentará trabajos espectaculares, con montañas de datos recogidos durante décadas...

Vale, en parte lo entiendo... Pero tampoco se acaba el mundo si no tienes resultados definitivos. De hecho, la gente no va a los congresos sólo por el mero hecho de presentar su trabajo. Incluso es común que hasta algunos científicos de renombre vayan a congresos sin presentar absolutamente nada.

Pero entonces... ¿Para qué sirve un congreso?

Incluso si no tienes nada que presentar, ir a un congreso te puede ser muy útil, por ejemplo para:

Generar nuevas ideas

La rutina diaria del trabajo no suele ser el mejor ambiente para pensar en nuevas ideas. Entre hacer experimentos, pasar datos, analizarlos (y, algunos de nosotros, procrastinar...), casi nunca hay 5 minutos libres para idear nuevos proyectos.

En un congreso, sin embargo, te pasas 4 ó 5 días totalmente enfocado, pensando en ciencia. Tu cerebro se expone a decenas de novedosas aplicaciones y puedes hacer constantes paralelismos entre las charlas que escuchas y tu propia investigación.

El carácter intensivo de los congresos también influye en la fertilidad de tus ideas. Es como un curso intensivo de inglés, o como cuando instalas un juego y te pasas el fin de semana entero jugando. ¿A que te conviertes en un experto casi sin darte cuenta?

Recuperar la motivación

La investigación puede tener rachas monótonas y psicológicamente difíciles (ay, ese tramo final de la tesis...). A veces uno puede a llegar a olvidar por qué decidió estudiar biología y necesita hacer algo para recuperar la motivación. Como contaba el otro día, un método muy útil es, por ejemplo, salir un rato al campo y relajarse.

Al menos para mí, otra fuente infalible de motivación son los congresos. Aunque siempre hay algún ponente aburrido, algunos, ya sea por su forma entusiasta de hablar, o por lo espectacular de su investigación, pueden reconducir tu carrera en 15 minutos. También, recordar que hay un mundo entero de temas de investigación ahí fuera tiene un gran poder motivador. Algo que me encanta, como buen biólogo curioso, es la sensación de abrir el libro de resúmenes y planificar la mañana escogiendo entre tropecientas charlas interesantísimas.

conference behavioural ecology
¡Ésta es la mía!

Mejorar tus habilidades

Muchos días, después del lunch, procrastino un ratito viendo una charla TED en youtube, y aprendo montones de cosas aleatorias como trucos de magia, técnicas de dibujo, o cómo identificar una mentira. Además, ver TED talks me ayuda a mejorar mis propias charlas (o al menos, eso espero). Lo que sería ideal es poder ver y aprender de esas charlas en vivo, desde el público, observando en detalle todos los gestos del ponente.

Esos beneficios los puedes obtener en un congreso, donde además los temas tratados se relacionan mucho más directamente con tu profesión. Escuchando y observando el trabajo de otros, no sólo aprenderás nuevas técnicas e hipótesis y te pondrás al día de resultados novedosos, sino que también aprenderás a transmitir mejor tus propios resultados a través de tus propias charlas o pósters.

La utilidad más importante de los congresos

Dar una charla o explicar tu póster no es la parte más importante de un congreso. Presentar tu trabajo sólo es un medio para conseguir un objetivo mucho más importante:

Conocer a otros investigadores y relacionarte con ellos.

Ésta es la principal razón por la que la mayoría de la gente asiste a congresos. Es gracioso ver cómo los investigadores más senior van de un lado a otro saludando a amiguetes durante la pausa del café, como en una reunión de antiguos alumnos.
perth conference
A ver con quién hablo...

¿Por qué es tan importante relacionarse?

El caso es que trabajar en Ciencia tiene un alto componente colaborativo.
Los métodos son cada vez más especializados, y es imposible estar al día en todas las técnicas, por lo que se hace indispensable aunar esfuerzos entre investigadores con diferentes perfiles. Además, a la hora de conseguir financiación, los grupos más exitosos son aquellos que son capaces de responder preguntas mediante protocolos novedosos y técnicas variadas, por lo que existe una enorme presión para crear colaboraciones multidisciplinares.

Así, los congresos se convierten en verdaderas ferias de empleo donde los investigadores principales buscan colaboradores, y los jóvenes científicos promocionan sus habilidades específicas y tratan de hacerse un hueco en el “mercado científico”.

Para este segundo grupo de jóvenes biólogos, relacionarse con otros investigadores es doblemente importante, porque tiene otra utilidad: Crearse una reputación.
Hoy en día, tanto si quieres ser biólogo como, yo qué sé, economista, o traductor, tu éxito dependerá en gran parte de tu reputación. 

Asistiendo a congresos, poco a poco asociarás tu imagen a ciertos temas de investigación. Conocerás a los científicos que lees y citas en tus propios trabajos, y al cabo del tiempo, ellos te conocerán a ti, y te podrán recordar, por ejemplo, cuando estén buscando revisores externos para un artículo. Ser revisor habitual en ciertas revistas mejorará tu reputación como “experto” en el tema, y esa reputación te puede ayudar, eventualmente, a conseguir un puesto de trabajo.

Hoy en día, los contactos lo son todo. En un mercado de trabajo cada vez más global, competimos con un número de candidatos cada vez mayor. En esta situación, conocer a la persona apropiada puede suponer la diferencia entre ser seleccionado o suplente.

Y no me refiero a “enchufes” o tratos de favor. Entre tantos candidatos posibles, cada vez es más difícil sobresalir (y, para los empleadores, más difícil escoger). Así, entre dos candidatos de perfiles similares, un empleador no se arriesgará, y siempre escogerá a aquel que conozca, o que sea sugerido por una persona de confianza.

Por eso, las recomendaciones personales y cartas de referencia tienen cada vez más valor. Y para conseguirlas, necesitas relacionarte.

Bueno, toda esta teoría está muy bien, pero...

¿Qué cosas concretas puedo hacer para aprovechar un congreso al máximo?

Aquí tienes algunas ideas...

Cómo hacer contactos

Usa las redes sociales: Antes del congreso, la organización suele crear una cuenta de Twitter o un hashtag para el evento, asegúrate de seguirlo, escribe algún tweet, y pronto podrás contactar con otros asistentes. Durante el congreso, tuitea sobre las charlas que atiendas usando el hashtag.

tweets conference

Planifica tu congreso
En cuanto esté disponible el libro de resúmenes, descárgatelo y echa un vistazo: ¿Quién va al congreso? ¿Alguien que citas?¿Alguien que trabaje con algún tema de tu interés?

Haz una lista de personas que te gustaría conocer y prepara alguna pregunta para romper el hielo. A muchas personas las conocerás sin casi proponértelo, si intentas ser abierto y estás relajado. Lo importante es pasárselo bien y no forzar las cosas.
No te preocupes, tendrás múltiples oportunidades: la cola del café, pausas entre charlas, comidas y cenas, sesiones de pósters...

Para los contactos que te impresionen demasiado, puedes usar el “método Linkedin” y pedirle a alguien que os presente (Tu director de tesis te puede echar una mano con esto). Este método tiene la ventaja de que te hace más memorable. Por ejemplo, si tu director de tesis te presenta a un colega suyo, éste relacionará tu imagen con la de tu director, y le será más fácil recordar en qué trabajas.

Si tienes tiempo antes del congreso, lo ideal sería leer bien los resúmenes de las charlas y posters que te interesan y documentarte leyendo artículos relacionados. Si estás preparado, probablemente te surjan dudas y cuestiones: Sé valiente y levanta la mano en el turno de preguntas. Además de saciar tu curiosidad, te servirá de entrenamiento para hablar en público y te dará pie para continuar la conversación con el ponente después de la charla.

Apúntate a todo
Durante los congresos suele haber actividades organizadas... y planes inesperados. Anímate y únete a todo lo que te propongan. Y si nadie propone nada, sé valiente y ofrece tú un plan. Estas situaciones son a menudo el germen de las mejores anécdotas y múltiples oportunidades.

Por ejemplo, una vez, en un congreso en Sevilla (España), un amigo que formaba parte del comité organizador me invitó a unirme a un grupo que iba a salir a cenar por ahí. Por supuesto me apunté, y un rato después, en un bar de tapas, Amotz Zahavi me enseñaba con aceitunas una explicación alternativa de mis resultados basada en el Principio del Hándicap. Otra de esas inesperadas anécdotas de biólogos...

En la misma mesa, frente a mí, se sentó un profesor australiano. Entablamos amable diálogo, brindamos múltiples veces por las aceitunas de Amotz, y unos meses más tarde, esa divertida conversación me permitió visitar la Universidad Nacional Australiana, en Canberra. No veas qué alegría escaparme del invierno sueco por un par de meses en Australia.
bike path canberra
Mi ruta diaria al trabajo en Canberra incluía esquivar canguros con la bici

Sé flexible y crea tu propio plan

Recuerda que no estás en clase, y que la asistencia no es obligatoria. No tienes por qué hacer lo que haga la mayoría. Por ejemplo, quizá un grupo de congresistas, entre los que se encuentra el científico con el que te gustaría hacer una tesis doctoral, decide ir a desayunar a la misma hora que la charla plenaria. Puede que te compense no atender a la plenaria si así tienes oportunidad de hablar con un potencial futuro director de tesis.

Toma notas y fotografías

Cuando escuches una charla, apunta tus impresiones sobre la parte científica, sí, pero también fíjate en lo que te gusta y lo que no te gusta del ponente.
Cómo habla, cómo son las diapositivas, qué trucos usa para mantener la atención del público...
Oblígate a escribir al menos dos notas clave de cada charla que escuches: Una que resuma los resultados más interesantes y otra del diseño de la charla.

En las sesiones de pósters haz fotos o dibujos de los pósters que te llamen la atención. Una vez más, toma nota del mensaje científico y también del diseño: aprenderás un montón de trucos. Otro día hablaremos de trucos para posters y charlas.

Para tomar notas, lo mejor es tener un “cuaderno de ideas”. Las hojas sueltas y las notas escritas en el libro de resúmenes siempre se acaban perdiendo.

En el último congreso al que asistí, probé a usar una tableta (un ipad) con un teclado portátil. Creé un cuaderno específico para el congreso en Evernote y allí fui anotando todo lo que me parecía interesante. Es otra opción, aunque me sigue gustando más el cuaderno tradicional.

El cuaderno también lo puedes usar para apuntar el nombre, email y otras formas de contacto de las personas que conozcas. Junto a cada nombre, escribe una frase que describa a la persona y/o alguna acción que quieres realizar con ella.
Ej.: Marta Smith. msmith@email.ed. Fish biologist. => Enviarle mi artículo en Ecology y preguntar por opciones de postdoc en su lab.
Otra forma de recordar a nuevos contactos es hacerles una foto (con su permiso) sosteniendo su tarjeta de identificación. Luego te envías a ti mismo la foto, adjuntando la información relevante en el texto del email.


"Los congresos son muy caros y yo no tengo dinero."
No problem! Si todavía no has terminado el doctorado, tienes muchas posibilidades de conseguir ayuda económica para ir a congresos. Tras defender la tesis es un poco más difícil pero aún se puede.

Cómo conseguir financiación para asistir a congresos: 

La primera fuente de ayuda es tu director. Si es majo y tiene recursos, probablemente incluya tu asistencia a congresos como un gasto naturalmente asociado a su proyecto.

Independientemente de que tu director pueda ayudarte o no, siempre queda bien en tu curriculum conseguir financiación por tu cuenta.

¿Dónde conseguir ayudas para congresos?

  • La propia organización del congreso: Si participas con una charla o póster, muy a menudo la organización ofrecerá becas de asistencia. No dejes pasar los plazos, ni escribas el resumen el último día (¡todavía tengo que cumplir yo esto alguna vez!).
  • Tu Universidad: ¡Pregunta! Departamentos, rectorados, asociaciones de estudiantes... siempre hay convocatorias que nadie recuerda.
  • El Ministerio de Educación, gobiernos regionales y locales...
  • Tu colegio de biólogos (o como se denomine el “gremio” en tu país)
  • Revistas científicas. Por ej.: PLoS, J.of Cell Science...
  • Otras fuentes externas (bancos, asociaciones...): Por ej.: The Royal Society. Hay muchas diferentes, echa un vistazo en la web, por ejemplo en Universia.
  • Otra opción es colaborar en la organización del congreso a cambio de la inscripción. Esta opción suele estar abierta a los estudiantes de la universidad organizadora, y es una oportunidad fantástica. Como siempre, atrévete a preguntar, el “no” ya lo tienes.
Como último recurso, siempre está la opción de “infiltrarse”... Lo confieso, alguna vez, cuando me fue imposible conseguir financiación, me he colado en algún congreso. ¡Todo sea por la Ciencia!

Si lo haces, no seas aprovechado. No te pases cuando ofrezcan comida, no ocupes asientos cuando la sala esté llena, y no sé si sería buena idea arriesgarse a colgar un poster en algún hueco vacío, aunque probablemente sea posible...

Lo mejor es que alguien que sí tenga acceso eche un vistazo el primer día y evalúe la situación. Luego, el segundo día, cuando la mitad de los asistentes se haya olvidado la identificación, ya puedes intentar arriesgarte. No creo que nadie deba perderse una charla por no tener dinero...

Pero primero trata de agotar todas las opciones de financiación que te he dado, ¡no seas cutre!


La organización del congreso suele aconsejar dónde alojarse, pero a menudo las opciones que se ofrecen son caras. Si tus finanzas lo permiten, lo mejor es alojarse en una de esas opciones, cuanto más cercana mejor: Así estarás en contacto con los otros asistentes y no tendrás problemas de transporte para participar en actividades.

Si el presupuesto es ajustado, toca ser imaginativo: compartir un Airbnb, contactar con estudiantes locales, couchsurfing... Quizá puedas aplicar algunas ideas de esta otra entrada.


La comida organizada por el congreso, si es que existe, suele ser muy variable en cuanto a calidad y precio, pero la mayor parte de los asistentes probablemente la escoja como opción más sencilla. Recuerda: incluso si has pagado la comida organizada por el congreso, si alguien te propone ir a comer con otros congresistas a otro lugar, quizá merezca la pena gastarse un dinerillo extra.

Cuando falta presupuesto, imaginación de nuevo: Cantinas de universidades cercanas, cocinar en un apartamento, cebarte con las galletitas de la pausa del café...

Finalmente, mi última recomendación congresil es que disfrutes, hagas amigos y aproveches para viajar.

diving great barrier coral reef
¿Congreso en Australia? ¡A bucear en la Gran Barrera de Coral!

Las mejores oportunidades suelen aparecer ellas solitas, cuando menos te lo esperas, pero favorecen a las mentes preparadas (¡planifica!) y abiertas (¡relájate y disfruta!)

¿Qué consejos recomendarías tu? ¿Cúal es tu experiencia en congresos?


¿Quieres que te ayude personalmente a encontrar trabajo en conservación? 

Tras 15 años llevando bioblogia.net y otros tantos trabajando en los principales sectores de la biología y la conservación, he conseguido varios superpoderes que podrían ayudarte a conseguir tu empleo soñado 😜

Y voy a compartir estos superpoderes a lo grande, colaborando con la web más enorme en el mundo de la conservación: Conservation Careers! Si quieres dejar de mandar CVs y empezar de una vez a trabajar (quizá haciendo cosas tan chulas como éstas)...

... Apúntate a nuestro curso online y compartiré contigo las mejores estrategias para conseguir tu primer empleo en conservación.

Si quieres saber más sobre este curso, y no perderte futuras ediciones y otras oportunidades, únete a nuestra lista de correo.

16 de mayo de 2015

M.S. Research assistantship in mammal host ecology and tick borne diseases (USA)

I am currently accepting one graduate student interested in doing research on the ecology of mammalian hosts and their role to sustain tick populations and pathogens vectored by these ectoparasites.  Applicants should be highly independent and motivated.  Previous field experience trapping small and medium size mammals is highly preferred (familiar with the use of Sherman and Tomahawk traps).  The work will involve some intensive fieldwork with long hours in the field at sites in Texas.  Careful note taking and great organization skills to handle data gathering, sample organization, etc. are essential skills.  A current driver's license will be needed for use of lab vehicle.

Current research in my lab examines the relationship between mammal ecology and prevalence of disease agents (i.e., Hantavirus, Borrelia, Trypanosoma) in reservoir species and how this changes along environmental and disturbance gradients.  The ultimate goal of the research at my lab is to generate models of predictive value of zoonotic disease outbreaks and a main question imbedded within this goal is to determine the role of mammal diversity as a factor of disease spread.

The Biology Department (http://www.bio.txstate.edu/) of Texas State University (http://www.txstate.edu/) has a M.S. program in wildlife ecology with an emphasis on the application of ecological principles to studies in wildlife ecology and natural resource management.  The main campus is conveniently located in central Texas along the I-35 corridor and close to both Austin and San Antonio.  Details about the entry requirements for this graduate program can be found here (http://www.gradcollege.txstate.edu/  and http://www.bio.txstate.edu/graduate.html). Student salary will be through mostly by federal grant support and might involve also support as an instructional assistantship (TA).

Applicants need to meet the entrance requirement for the program, department and university.  The highly preferred start date is for Fall 2015 (university application deadline is June 15) but if no suitable student is found right away then the potential start date would be for spring 2016.  Given the close date for the university applications I encourage interested students to send their applications asap.  Position will be open until filled.

For more details about my lab you can visit my website (http://www.bio.txstate.edu/contacts/faculty/Ivan-Castro-Arellano--Ph-D-.html ) where I have a description of my research and past publications.  Interested individuals should email me, Dr. Ivan Castro-Arellano, to ic13(at)txstate.edu with the subject line: Prospective Student.  Please attach a single pdf document that includes a brief description of your research interests and why you would like to join the lab, a CV (including GPA and GRE scores), a scanned copy of your transcript (non-official is fine), and contact information for two references.

15 de mayo de 2015

2 senior research associates in marine science (USA)

The Center for Ocean Solutions and Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment seek a senior-level Research Associate to advance our work in on creating innovative conceptual approaches and analyses in support of projects in ocean planning, management of mobile organisms, and other management issues requiring a spatial analytical approach and a senior-level Research Associate to advance our work on advancing research, knowledge and capacity of integrated human-natural systems and implementation of the social dimensions of ocean environments into ecosystem-based management approaches in ocean and coastal management.

The announcement and application directions are linked on the Center's webpage as well as on the Stanford Careerspage. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Please forward widely.

The Center for Ocean Solutions works to solve the major problems facing the ocean and prepares leaders to take on these challenges. We value and steward linkages between the ocean, health and climate resulting in thriving marine ecosystems and vibrant coastal communities.

14 de mayo de 2015

Field research assistant on mammal ecology (Portugal)

Paid field research assistant position available in a project on ecology of freshwater semiaquatic mammals (mostly Iberian desman and otter) in Northern Portugal.

Work will start very shortly (mid-end of May 2015), there will be a break during August, and will begin again in September and possibly October, with the possibility that it will continue for the next year/s.

Autonomy, fluent Portuguese speaking, car driving license (and possibly experience in 4x4 car driving), and adaptability to difficult field working conditions are required. Statistics and GIS knowledge (and possibly programming skills!) would be an advantage.

Salary (35 euro per day) and accommodation (and probably food) will be provided.

The candidate will mainly assist with data collection and compilation, and report writing, but opportunities to participate as co-author in scientific papers could arise.

Interested candidates: please send me a private email
(lorenzo.quaglietta@gmail.com) with your CV, picture, short (no more than 300 words) motivation letter, 1-2 references.

Please note: ONLY selected candidates will be contacted and a Skype meeting will be scheduled for an interview.


Lorenzo Quaglietta

Post-Doc at EDP Chair in Biodiversity
Applied Population and Community Ecology Research Group at
CIBIO (Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetics Resources - Porto

Jardim Botânico Tropical - IICT (Tropical Scientific Research Institute)
Tv. Conde da Ribeira, 9 - 1300-142 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone +351 213616340 ext. 307
Fax +351 213631460
Skype MartinLUTRAking

PhD in systems biology and genomics (Germany/USA)

The Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology at the Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) offers an exceptional PhD Exchange Program to support interdisciplinary research projects and international PhD education.

Our Berlin based PhD Exchange Program is a joint endeavor with the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology at New York University (NYU) and provides a doctoral training program with up to 4 year funded positions plus travel allowances and housing support.
Training is based on our major spectrum of medical systems biology research and technologies. Candidates educated in disciplines such as biochemistry, molecular biology, mathematics, or computational sciences and sharing our interest in gene regulatory networks are strongly encouraged to apply.
•       Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Mathematical Modeling
•       Gene Regulation: microRNAs, Epigenetics, Transcription, RNA Biology
•       Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Single Cell Analysis and Imaging
•       Cell Fate Conversion, Neuronal Differentiation, Reprogramming and Signaling, Developmental Biology

Further information here: www.mdc-berlin.de/en/bimsb
The program is embedded into the research and training activities of the Helmholtz Graduate School Molecular Cell Biology (MDC) and the Department of Biology (NYU).
Online registration/application is now active.

Application deadline is July 1st 2015.
To apply, please go to to: www.mdc-berlin.de/application

13 de mayo de 2015

20(!) Phd positions in several biology fields (Germany)

Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin, Germany, jointly with the Humboldt University of Berlin, offers 20 Fully-Funded PhD Positions to the candidates wishing to pursue research doctorate training in the fields of

Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Genetics, Genomics, Molecular Cardiovascular Research, Cancer Research, Tumor Immunology, Developmental Biology, Systems Biology, Structural Biology, Neurobiology, Biophysics, Bioinformatics and others.

This is a unique opportunity to develop your research career at the cutting edge of fundamental molecular biology and translational medicine in one of our 60 basic or clinical research groups. Join our 350-member strong international PhD students’ community and enjoy living and studying in the heart of Europe, Berlin, one of the most vibrant (and affordable) European capitals!

We look for high-calibre candidates of any nationality, who hold or expect to obtain a research Master degree or a German Diplom in Molecular or Cell Biology or in a related field and have good command of English, working language of the Programme. Visit our website to learn more about the MDC, the Programme and the Application Process:

The MDC is a leading national research institute of the Helmholtz Association, the largest research organisation in Germany. Our research programmes focus on three major groups of illnesses: cardiovascular & metabolic diseases, cancer and neural disorders. This PhD Programme is a member of the Helmholtz Graduate School “Molecular Cell Biology”, which offers structured PhD training in a supportive environment, travel grants for external courses, summer schools, conference attendance, annual PhD Retreats, etc.

Apply online by July 1, 2015: http://www.mdc-berlin.de/application

12 de mayo de 2015

PhD in sediment transport (Barcelona, Spain)

We are looking for a PhD student, to be directed by Dr. Iván Cáceres and Dr. Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla of Technological University of Catalonia (UPC) in Barcelona, working with sediment transport laboratory experiments (data treatment of large-scale data sets, calibration protocols of measuring equipment, acquisition of new data sets, data analysis ...).

The PhD work will contribute to novel analysis and interpretations of driving forces and events under regular and bichromatic conditions. The research will follow experiments done in the CIEM done during the last years including the SANDS, WISE and other sediment transport experiments dealing with the profile evolution, and the surf and swash zone dynamics. This post may suit a wide range of applicants from earth sciences, marine sciences, oceanography or engineering backgrounds.

The deadline for applications is by June 5th.

If you are interested in the post please contact i.caceres@upc.edu with a copy of the CV. Do not hesitate to contact if you have questions or you require further information.

11 de mayo de 2015

Curso: El Mar Mediterráneo: una aproximación al medio marino (Granada, España)

Darwin Eventur y la Asociación Sectorial de Alumnos de Biología (S.A.B.-Granada) organizan un curso, en el que colabora la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Granada, con el título: "El Mar Mediterráneo: una aproximación al medio marino" del 28 al 30 de Mayo de 2015 en la Facultad de Ciencias.

El curso estará impartido por distintos docentes especializados en las temáticas que van a impartir, que pueden verlos en el programa del curso.

Duración: aproximadamente 25 horas.
Va dirigido a todo el público.
Precio: 20 euros.
Más información y programa en:
Si tienes cualquier duda escribe a info@darwineventur.es y se te contestará lo antes posible.

MSc project in behavioural ecology of Seychelles warblers (Seychelles)

Scientific background: The Cousin Island population of Seychelles warblers has been the centre of a long-term longitudinal study for over twenty years and is currently being used to answer questions relating to ageing,
immunity and the evolution of social behaviour. The island of Cousin (27 ha) is a special reserve that hosts around 320 warblers, which are almost all colour banded.

Project details: We are seeking a motivated and adventurous MSc student to undertake a fieldwork-based project on Cousin Island for a period of three months. As part of ongoing data collection, the student will collect biological samples and behavioural data. Behavioural experiments designed to investigate the effect of predation on incubation behaviour are currently being planned; these can form the basis of the MSc project.

The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic fieldworker who can learn to work independently and is content on a remote island with very basic living conditions. Some kind of field experience with birds is essential, and experience with handling birds is preferable.

This project is a collaboration between researchers at the University of Groningen and the University of East Anglia, UK. 

Supervisors: Frank Groenewoud & Jan Komdeur Fieldwork dates: between July – September [2.5 to 3 months; exact dates TBA]

Application deadline:  May 31st 2015

Interested candidates can send an email to f.groenewoud@rug.nl or

10 de mayo de 2015

2 wildlife research internships at Denver Zoo (USA)

Denver Zoo’s Department of Conservation and Research has a growing human dimensions of wildlife research program focused on documenting the social contexts for plains bison (Bison bison) conservation and reintroduction across the Rocky Mountain West. We seek highly qualified and motivated graduate students in conservation social science-related fields to apply for the following two internships:

Internship #1: American Icons in a Metropolitan Grassland – Understanding People, Place and Bison Conservation in Denver, CO
This internship advances the mission of Denver Zoo by assisting with a research study that examines the social meanings of and visitor experiences with bison conservation in metro Denver, Colorado. Using survey and interview research, the study will examine metro Denverites’ knowledge about, attitudes towards and experiences with bison conservation generally, and with three of metro-Denver’s conservation bison herds specifically. The research intern will work 20 hour per week to conduct structured visitor intercept interviews in the field, and, as time permits, assist with public opinion survey design. The internship dates are June 15 – October 16, 2015 (final dates based on hire availability).

Internship #2: Creating Sustainable Futures for People, Animals and the Environment - The Human Dimensions of Bison Reintroduction in Northern Colorado
This internship advances the mission of Denver Zoo by assisting with a collaborative and interdisciplinary One Health study funded by Colorado State University (CSU), which will document the effects of bison reintroduction in Northern Larimer County, Colorado on human, animal and ecological health. The research intern will work 20-30 hours per week at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area (near Fort Collins, CO) to collect data about the ways in which the planned bison reintroduction may affect the visitor experience, recreational use patterns and place attachment through visitor intercept interviews, trail monitor data collection and the distribution of handheld GPS units to track visitor trail use patterns. The internship dates are June 15 – October 16, 2015 (final dates based on hire availability).

Please apply through Denver Zoo’s job portal at: http://www.denverzoo.org/jobs-internships

Closing Date for both internships: May 22, 2015

9 de mayo de 2015

Lecturer or Associate Professor in Ecology or Evolutionary Biology (UK)

We wish to appoint an outstanding academic, whose research fits within the broad theme of Ecology or Evolutionary Biology.  An appointment would be preferred in behavioural ecology, conservation or evolutionary biology, but we welcome strong candidates from fields that would complement
existing research strengths in spatial ecology, population genetics, biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services, adaptations to environmental change.

For either level of appointment it is necessary that you have an established track record of research and are well positioned to attract RCUK, EU or charity funding. At Lecturer level, we expect the appointed person to obtain external grant income within 2 years. For appointment at Associate Professor level, we expect the appointed person to have experience of gaining external funding.

You will be expected to contribute fully to our Biology, Zoology,
and Ecology undergraduate BSc and MSci programmes, as well as being
able to teach on our postgraduate programmes in Biology, and Wildlife
Conservation. We would also encourage applicants who are able to
develop and teach field courses. It is especially important that you
show enthusiasm and potential to teach innovatively across a wide range
of disciplines.

You will join the Centre for Biological Sciences, which is at the hub of
interdisciplinary initiatives through its engagement with the Institute
for Life Sciences (IfLS, http://www.southampton.ac.uk/ifls).  You will
be encouraged to pursue collaborative multidisciplinary research with
other groups across the university, especially within the Faculty of
Natural and Environmental Sciences (Ocean & Earth Science, Chemistry).

You should demonstrate:

evidence of distinction in research through high-quality publications;

ability or potential to obtain peer-reviewed funding in your research

ability or potential for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching,
thereby contributing to the programmes run by Biological Sciences;

Potential applicants who wish to discuss this post are welcome
to contact Professor Keith Jones (Head of Biological Sciences,

Interviews are likely to take place in June or July 2015.

Dr. Mark A. Chapman
+44 (0)2380 594396

Co-ordinator - Centre for Underutilised Crops

Centre for Biological Sciences
University of Southampton
Life Sciences Building 85
Highfield Campus
SO17 1BJ

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